Stay Awake
So, we started the season of Advent. Jesus tells us to “ stay awake! You must be prepared. “
What does Advent preparation really consist of? How about what St Paul tells us, “ to put on the Lord Jesus Christ through faith. “ Encountering Christ , letting ourselves be caught up in, and guided by His love, enlarges the horizons of existence, and gives it a firm hope which will not disappoint. “
Faith is no refuge for the fainthearted, but something which enhances our lives. It makes us aware of a different calling…the vocation of love.
“ You were once in darkness. Now live as children of light-for light produces every kind of goodness, righteousness, and truth. Let us walk in the light of the Lord. “
The Advent season always gives us another opportunity of receiving or rejecting Him, a baby laying in a manger in Bethlehem on a starry night long ago. But, two thousand years are nothing in the eyes of God.
The Word was made flesh, and came to dwell among us. That is still true today, now. Don’t be like the innkeeper who didn’t have room for baby God. Empty out some of that crap in your heart, like resentment, bitterness, jealousy, anger, malice, envy, and unforgiveness. Make room for Him who is love and mercy. Open your heart to the best present ever that is His eternal Presence. The next time you get to hold and cuddle a baby, think about it.