Stay With It! (1minute Read)
Today, you may be asking yourself how much longer before you see a break-thru. How much longer before things begin to shift in your favor? How much longer before the clouds of your situation open into a huge rainbow? We are seeing people around us enjoying theirs. Yes, we are happy for them especially since we do not fully know what they went thru to be in the correct position. As much as we may not want to admit it, the next thought that inevitably comes is "When is mine coming?" While we don't know the exact answer relative to the exact time, I can tell you what will hasten the answer. This is true especially when the setbacks seem to outweigh the blessings and the storms seem to override the sun.
Remain Encouraged
Stay Engaged
Continue With A Spirit Of Gratitude
Maintain a Positive Attitude
Recognize Things Will Turn Around
Know The Value Of The Lesson
Accept What You Can Handle
Remain Humble
Remain Inspired Rather Than Irritated
Roll With The Adversity Into The Set-Up For Success
It is easy to make a knee jerk decision based on the emotion of real time. It is critical to recognize the value of discernment and distance. Remove yourself from the emotion to make a decision that is well thought and valuable towards future endeavors. Today is not Yesterday and Tomorrow can turn around in your favor. (Faster than you think).
Stay with it