Status of the World Order or Lack of

Status of the World Order or Lack of

What to expect for the incoming years

About the Author

Very few people in the world can claim they single handedly defeated the US Military. I may seem boastful, and inaccurate to claim I defeated the US military on US soil. The fact is that the it did happens and you can verify those facts. You can file for a FOIA and check primary source.

US Air Force Technical Application Center

1030 Highway A1A

Satellite Beach, Florida 32925

Between 2002-2013 supported US national mission, and sat at HQ most of those years. I know more about all its mission tasks than 99% of the others. Very few people have worked in all the techniques that are used to spy on the planet. I am likely the first and last person to have worked in all the different disciplines. For certain, I was the only Vietnamese speaker they have. As far as the US strategic interests were concerned, Americans military needs to increase their recruitment and retention of people who can speak a foreign language. Vietnamese was one of their strategic interests. All that which has been mentioned is to highlight the unique and valuable asset that I was to an organization like AFTAC, or the US in general.

The Thailand Event

In May of 2013, a group of white supremacists decided to target me. They spread rumors around the top leaders that I was fleeing to China to sell national security secret. I was to be their Chinese spy, and spoiling a Chinese Spy was to be their career highlight. These are not entry level employees, but senior level leaders that are about to retire from 20 years of military services.

The end results from 2013, was the lost of one of the greatest asset of US military capacity. Along with millions of dollars in compensations which were granted in 2019. While the FBI sent police and FBI agents to find out if I have plans to kill Americans. According to a senior female US Air Force recruiter, someone reported that I was plotting to overthrow the US government. At a minimum, the perpetrators of these heinous crimes were committing treason when they purposely sabotaged US national security. At a maximum, they could be the catalyst that ends a great empire. *We should note, that empire falls are usually a results of multitude of issues. No single issue is powerful enough to bring down a global power.

At the time when the US military tried to hang me and claim I was a Chinese Spy. Initially, I was just submitting documents for my leave to China for my long overdue vacation. It was not until many months later that I found out what they were plotting. I had not taken any vacation for years, because I was covering for a poorly managed unit. Typically, the military allows you to save up to 60 days of vacation time, and I had near 90 days. A responsible boss would have taken my keys and tell me to not show up to work. I had met such a boss, and that had helped me grow as a professional in the shortest amount of time. In terms, of owning one's responsibility for the people, equipment, and mission assigned to us.

Many people wonder if I am Chinese or Vietnamese. And why would a Vietnamese be suspected of being a Chinese spy. It does not make any sense to them. I doesn’t make any sense to me either if you ask me. The only rational I can give them the benefits of the doubt, for thinking at all was they were acting like the KKK hanging up black man who murdered three. However in 2013, they had to present some narratives to the lawyers that protected them.

Back on US Soil

While being illegally detained for 4 months at Patrick Air Force Base (being treated with less than deserved dignity):

Forced to live in substandard housing, while my house is left unattended.

Have my household goods illegally searched for some hope of evidence for prosecution.

I was subjected to illegal blood sampling to find some way to persecute me legally.

The prosecuting attorney tried to pretend he was my defense attorney and say I can talk to him.

While facing the personal assassination by my fellow Americans, I occupied myself with reading Tom Peter's In Search for Excellence. Laughing at the irony of American's stated values and the American's practice of values. When the book ran out of pages, I moved on to listening to Buddhist chant to stay grounded in my waiting game.

While being held prisoner against my will, I was also allowed to have Saturday and Sunday to myself. I often make the long drive from West Melbourne to Tampa to visit a Buddhist temple. I helped out where they ask, and meditate where they have it. Very similar to that naval yard shooter, who spent a lot of time at the Thai Temple meditating.

In meditation, one is exposed to one's thought. It can be uncomfortable, it can be bliss, and it can be violent. That is the nature of the mind in its natural state. If you're being abused, meditation will let you see the abuse as abuse; versus making up stupid rationales for the abuse.

I also found another US veteran who became my martial art teacher. He was an American professional assassin with the green beret. Not doing so great himself, but holding a job and all. I later spend all my weekend with him to learn the Wu Dang traditional styles which he learned from his grandfather. I later found out he's the 5th generation of Wu Dang. With a deep passion for martial arts and its tradition. He takes me to various martial art conventions and hang out with other enthusiasts.

One day, perhaps September 2013, I was visiting my mental health clinic for my weekly interrogation without a lawyer. Dr Martha Dedrick was the lackey to do the questionings for the US Air Force commander. Asking questions like what is my plan (how I play to sell national security), do I have thoughts of killing my boss, do I have thoughts of killing my doctor. You can put them in quotes, as those were what was asked. I can vividly recall that last question, which upset me to no end, and I gave Dr Dedrick a piece of my mind. I asked her, "is it not fucked up that you're my doctor, and you have to asked me such a question?"

As I left, I said bye bye to TSgt Clark who had been waiting for his appointment with me. He seem sad, but I would not have anticipated he was going to shoot himself that day. We were all part of an elite members of US Air Force scientific technicians. Only the smartest people were recruited into this career. He's already at management level, and had to manage so many difficult challenges. Whatever he was dealing with, I knew he was up against the same stupid people I was dealing with. If I learned anything in life, it is that one should not try to reason with stupid.

So, I request to leave work early that Friday. I was not doing anything anyway, just being held illegally as a prisoner and wasting tax dollars for no meaningful purpose. I received my go ahead, "just do not leave Florida". So I took my old 2003 SLK 320 for a long drive to Tallahassee. My teacher was setting up a dojo there, and I was looking to see what work I can do.

Around 4pm, an old supervisor called. Jerry was an odd one, but he always showed he cared for me beyond just a worker. I was that Asian kid in Indiana Jones to many white people, and some of them really wanted to see me do well. As with racism, some people act it out with intent to harm. Others act it out with humor to entertain themselves. Jerry had secretly helped me the previous time my work tried to hang me in 2008. This time, he was very concerned about my health when he found out TSgt Clark had shot himself and left two children and his wife behind. No one will blame the workplace as the cause of this death. No one except me.

I had been there since 2002. I had informed and complained about all the hostile work environment before. I personally had faced multiple attempts at destroying my livelihood (just think Russian sections, Cuba Sanction, North Korea sanction etc). The data alone is alarming. What do you think about your workplace having at least 1 suicide per year? Is that normal to you? By 2013, I had already been put in similar positions 3 or more times. I understands a lot about that dark place. It was like my weekend home after working for the US Air Force 11 years. Even now, It is my still my most visited vacation spot.

Jerry was very alarmed when he asked where I was. I stated where I was, and that I had asked for permission before leaving. Why is he so concerned. He explained the news of another suicide at our work place. He wanted to reach out to let me know he's there for me. To call him if I needed anything.

We were all trained on suicides prevention at least once a year. I never thought I would have gone so deep into danger zone without realizing it. Everything I learned about suicides is indicating I am at risk. Having already experienced an anxiety attack for the first time the previous month. I realized my time is approaching. I either get out of harm's way, or I will not know when I will lose my mind.

Decision Time

I decided waiting for the white brotherhood was not a feasible solution. They would held me illegally until I shoot myself or shoot up the work place, and then they can claim I was unstable. That would have been the smartest thought they would have conceived.

No! I cannot let them decide what happens tomorrow. After a few days, I decided that I will proceed with my plan and they can decide if they will stop me with force or let me go. I booked my flight back home to visit my family in California. I called up the commander or his lackey the First Sergeant (the Commander did not even have the courtesy to look me in the eyes and tell me he's after me for being a Chinese spy. That Christopher Worley who spent 4 years in Russia, may as well be the Russian plant to sabotage US national security). It was important to talk face to face.

He met me along outside the AFTAC building. In the picnic area. I told him I already booked my flight back home to be with my family (AFTAC is no longer family, worse it was the existential threat). "I am leaving, and here is my flight information. You either let me leave peacefully, or you will have other problems." What they could not do in 4 months, they accomplished in about 48 hours. They even had someone forced a medical doctor signature so that we can have the all the signature block signed.

In exchange, I had to sign a waiver for my human rights, civil rights. A waiver for a lawyer to be present. A waiver for a trial (not that they ever informed me what I was charged with).

The Lessons Learned

1. I cannot trust Americans. I cannot trust the American government. Any part or members of the Americans.

2. Reasons and Laws were for decoration purposes. If I wanted justice, I better have the capacity to wage war.

3. While there are smart and intelligent people working and leading inside the US government. It was stupid of me to assume that the people working and leading the US government were intelligent.

4. Forgiving evil today, is an invitation for evil to visit your and your children tomorrow

5. Trying to use reasons with some people is as stupid as it gets.

My goals in life were few. I remembered I had one early in 1989 when I left Vietnam to immigrate to the USA. I made a decision to remember the house address where my grandma lives and I had lived. About 20 years later, I came back and I recalled the address in my head. I also recalled the aunt who caned me for 4 hours to force me into admitting I sold her one dollar (which turned out her own son took it). I wanted to have some people reciprocate her treatment of her 6 years old nephew, but I was talked out of it.

With my childhood experiences with evil, and my professional experiences with evil; I am certain that it is a necessary function of justice to deal with evil. Because I withdrew my complaint of the hostile work environment in 2003 against Keith Ewasiuk, it led the death of another young soldier in 2011. When the lawyer told me to drop my complaints in 2005 of Major Wolfenden illegally forcing a blood test, because the AFTAC was going to smooth out the issue and I was going to have my job back; it led to further deaths. It also led to my own persecution in 2013. It was very close to leading to my own death. It was also responsible for my many deaths after 2013.

I am fairly certain, if nothing is done: I will be burying one or more of my children in the future--as a result of white supremacy gone wild. I have already written and physically mailed letters to the leaders of nations around the world, they have to decide how they will use these lessons learned. With life and deaths.

The Next 10 Years

We're looking a the decline of the USD and purchasing power as the world disintegrates. Those who owns US dollars debt, will find they are without equity. Countries and individuals alike will be working towards diversifying and defending against the collapse of the US dollars. While it may or may not collapse as the German marks, it will not be the same as a currency that is not based on nothing but ink on green paper.

In Vietnamese, there's a very old saying, that destitution spawn criminals. As we see with the wholesale murders of Ukraine, Gaza, and other locations in Africa and South America; the criminal activities to take control of resources are more overt with every turn of events. To the point where we openly commit genocide and tell the world to fuck off. That we are cleansing the world of terrorists. So very much like Hitler's cleansing the gene pool of inferior human. Anticipate the rise of criminals. It would be unwise to think the white brotherhoods will let the brown and black people eat their own crops, while the white brotherhoods has to grow their own crops and eat off their own labors. What sort of colonialism would it be then?

With the rise and criminals and the decline in laws and order; this create dire demand for personal protection. Private army and security will be the new order. What the government fails to provide for the people, the people will provide in due time. *This I can personally offer services as the liaison of a private security firm registered in UAE. While the American contractor may cost 3,000 a month, our professionals are only 1,000 a month.

Some educated people are pointing to China as the new saviors of international order. This is due to a lack of real life experiences. With the world order keeping peace since WW2, a lot of educated people has lived in a virtual reality of peace. The Vietnamese people has been living along side China for thousands of years. It's probably coded into their dna, the struggles, and the distrust of China as a power. In the most general sense, power corrupts and absolute power corrupt absolutely--given time. Why would you vote for a new hegemon, or a new bully? Professional in international relations would posit that they alone can solve this issue. Yet they have never solved anything. Asoka solved world peace with his swords, and so did Genghis Khan. Ensuring peace and order in this world requires more than good intentions or good words.

The fight between freedom fighters and the empire will be taking new shapes, forms, and participations. It's very hard to tell who is who, and who will fight for which cause. One can only trust their own actions, and that would limits the collaborations across large fields. However, to trust another party is to sign up for betrayal. In such a messed up age, the only dependable motivation is revenge. Sort of like trusting Palestinians to not support Isreal and Americans. Even then, we know Hamas was a spawn of Isreal/America. So, it is an incredible time to live. A time to live where there are not trusts.


Khanh Pham

If you need to find the last person with integrity in America, you can consult with me.

If you need to hire private security for your global operation, you can consult with me.

If you need to have the best operation in the world, you can consult with me.

During the last 3 months, I have been exposed to a lot of writings by AI. I developed an internal filter to identify who are the AI writers, and who are truthful writers. It often lies in obvious generic political phrases that amounts to nothing. Here is what an AI would have created, which will look amazing for the wall, but not so useful for saving your life or your country.

What to Expect in the Coming Years: A Forecast Based on Historical Lessons and Current Trends

The world is at a crossroads, facing the decline of the US dollar, the rise of criminal activity, and a shift in global power dynamics. These changes will have profound implications for individuals, businesses, and nations. Here's what we can expect:

Economic Instability:

  • The decline of the US dollar will lead to increased volatility in global markets, making it crucial to diversify investments and protect against inflation.
  • The purchasing power of individuals will decrease, requiring careful financial planning and budgeting.
  • Countries will seek to reduce their reliance on the US dollar, potentially leading to the emergence of new reserve currencies.

Rise of Criminal Activity:

  • The erosion of law and order will create a demand for private security, as governments struggle to maintain control.
  • Individuals and businesses will need to invest in personal and asset protection to safeguard against threats.
  • Criminal organizations will seek to exploit the instability, leading to increased violence and conflict.

Shift in Global Power Dynamics:

  • The decline of the US as a global hegemon will create a power vacuum, potentially leading to increased competition and conflict among nations.
  • China's rise as a global power will bring both opportunities and challenges, requiring careful navigation of a new geopolitical landscape.
  • Regional powers will seek to assert their influence, potentially leading to the formation of new alliances and blocs.

The Importance of Self-Reliance:

  • In an increasingly uncertain world, individuals and communities will need to become more self-reliant, developing skills and resources to meet their own needs.
  • Trust will be a scarce commodity, making it essential to build strong personal networks and alliances based on shared values and interests.
  • The pursuit of justice will require personal initiative and the willingness to challenge injustice wherever it is found.

Opportunities Amidst Challenges:

  • While the coming years will be fraught with challenges, they will also present opportunities for innovation, adaptation, and growth.
  • New technologies and business models will emerge to address the changing needs of the global community.
  • Individuals and organizations who are able to navigate the uncertainty and embrace change will be well-positioned to thrive.

About the Author:

The author, Khanh Pham, brings a unique perspective to these predictions, drawing upon his personal experiences as a US Air Force veteran and his extensive knowledge of global affairs. His insights offer a valuable guide for navigating the turbulent times ahead.


This forecast is based on current trends and historical patterns. The future is inherently uncertain, and unexpected events could significantly alter the course of events.


The coming years will be a time of great change and uncertainty. However, by understanding the challenges and opportunities ahead, we can prepare ourselves to navigate the shifting landscape and build a more secure and prosperous future.


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