Status vs Stature
Many sales people get intimidated by prospects who, in their minds, are 'above them.' In other words, the status of the prospect ends up dictating how the sales process goes. And if the old saying "in every negotiation both sides tend to feel they have the weaker position" is true, then any salesperson who succumbs to status won't be very successful.
So let's say you are a youngish sales rep who is dealing with a doctor, lawyer or corporate exec. How do you level the playing field when you are not at the same economic level? This 'status' problem can never really be overcome. However, there is a solution.
It takes a strong, determined person to convince themselves they belong in the game regardless of who they are dealing with. If we concentrate on our 'stature' success will follow. There is a reason the prospect is talking to you at all; you have a product or service they are interested in. Remember that. Unless you want to be run over in negotiations it's critical to concentrate on your stature with the person on the other side of the table or phone. You do have something of value to offer and standing your ground and selling your point of view in the face of an imagined superior opponent is the winning play. When we do this we will gain stature in the eyes of the prospect. In every negotiation stature always trumps status.
Developing stature is something we work on, not something we automatically possess. Being around positive people, having specific goals, learning from a trusted mentor -- these are some of the things anyone can do to develop their stature. It works. It will work for you.