Status Quo is (Subtly) KILLING You!

Status Quo is (Subtly) KILLING You!

Status Quo - latin, literally ‘the state in which’… is quietly sabotaging you from your greater self and you may not even know!

Remember the book by Jim Collins “Good to Great”? One of this premises was, good is the enemy of great.

But, it’s deeper than that, isn’t it? It’s a known fact that we (humans) will fight to hold onto what we know, no matter how “un”great it is, because it’s familiar. Heck, we will even hold onto dysfunction because of it being known.

The unknown, with all of it’s variables and questions, can remain in the future forever.

Status Quo. The way things are. You may have fought hard for what you currently have. You know all the struggles. The obstacles you’ve overcame. The wins nobody knows about.

To reach for more, can feel risky. Selfish even.

You know all the arguments you have within to hold onto your Status Quo.

Yet, you also know the voice within calling you to more. There’s something you have that others can’t relate to nor can they even discuss. If you tell the wrong person about your desire to be and do more, they’ll literally try to talk you out of it. Why? Because they’re not going anywhere and they don’t understand when others, like you, can’t just “be satisfied” with what you have, who you are and where you’re at.

I love working with powerful visionaries who are ready to shatter Status Quo. I’m talking about powerful people who know life is too short to leave things undone and not risked for.

One of the most powerful moments that I love is when the “AHA” moment break through. The “are you kidding me?” moment of seeing a future like you’ve never seen before. Sometimes my client sees it when the dots start connecting. And, sometimes, I see it and ask a powerful question that sets them free to a future unlike they’ve known before.

For example, recently I was talking with a client, I’ll call them Pat. Pat has recently left their corporate career and started their own company. Their income goal in the first year was a comfortable 6 figures. Of which, they are possibly going to TRIPLE in the first year! Amazing. (Side note - their new business exists because of us working through limiting beliefs, mindset and fears that held them back for years.)

BUT, what I saw, and simply said, “I’m going to throw something out and I want you to think about before you reply. You may need to think about it a few days and we can talk about it on the next call if you choose”. Here’s what I said/asked, “what if you’re meant to be more of an entrepreneur than you realize? What if you’re not meant to own one business, but, rather several? As in (I said their name here) Enterprise”.

Immediately, they replied with an “oh my God, Yes!” And they went on to affirm this thing, this calling, this voice, within that has been pulling at them to be/do more.

Powerful! A life changing moment. Literally.

And, yet, less than a year ago, they were stuck with Status Quo!


What about you?

If you’re stuck in the Status Quo, and you’re ready to start talking about your greater self, then you and I should talk. If you’re game, we can get on an exploratory coaching call to see if we are a great fit for each other and if so, we can discuss what working together could look like.

I’ll simply ask you a few questions that will give you greater clarity and confidence regardless. And, we will have a great connection regardless.

Fair enough?

Status Quo - you won’t wish you stayed there longer, once you’ve moved on.

Let’s talk.


