Status Of Library Profession In Pakistan Since 1947 By MOHAMMAD KHAN MARWAT
Wajid Ali Rahu
Library Assistant, at Faculty of Art's & Sciences Library, Aga Khan University, Karachi.
Pakistan has a grand history in respect of literary and library activities since its very inception. Its history traced back to the oldest civilization of Taxila,Harappa and Indus valley, which remained the seats of Buddhists with Gandahara culture for a period of long time, the Aryan culture and Hinduism respectively. The valley of Indus played the role of center figure in constituting the History of Pakistan. The history of Books and libraries among the people of this area can be traced back to Sixth century, A.D, where paper was being used in Gilgat and Kashmir and as a result the Libraries were established at UCH, Multan, Tatta and many other places of this region .
Before the invasion of Muhammad Bin Qasim in Sindh in 712 A.D there was very rare concept of Books and Libraries were in existence from which only people from the superior caste could be benefitted. The young Arab General introduced Islamic Education in the valley of Sindh. He laid down the foundation of Maktab Madrassas attached with Mosques. After Muhammad Bin Qasim, chain of libraries were established by Mahmood Ghaznavi, Ghoori, Toghlak, Lodhi and Mughal.
Each Mughal Emperor had his own library. When Pakistan came into being in 1947, no doubt Libraries were definitely existed but the collection and building of these libraries were in very poor condition. The following libraries were existed in this area at the time of independence.
- Liaqat Hall Library Karachi founded in 1851.
- Khaliq Dinna Hall library Karachi founded in 1856.
- Christian College Library Lahore founded in 1866.
- Punjab Public Library Lahore founded in 1884.
- Fort sandeman Library Quetta founded in 1884.
- Divisional Public LIBRARY Khair Pur Sind founded in 1903.
- Punjab University Library Lahore founded in 1908.
- Islamia College Library Peshawar founded in 1913.
- Dayal Singh Trust Library Lahore founded in 1928.
- Karachi Civil Secretariat Library.
A part from this some personal libraries were existed in this area.
Library Education in Pakistan
At the time of independence there was no formal school of Library education in Pakistan. In 1950 Punjab Library Association started a six month diploma course in Library Science, but it could not functioned on regular bases. Karachi Library Association also started four month course in Library Science. At present eight institutions in Pakistan are engaged in the subject of Library Science. Detail ls are as under:
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Apart from the programme given in the schedule certificate programmes are also arranged by the Pakistan Library Association in the main cities of the country. The purpose of such programmes is to fulfil Library demands, and acquaint the in service personal with modern technology in short time.
The subject of Library Science at Intermediate and BA level has been introduced in Pakistan. More than 60 colleges through out Pakistan are engaged in teaching the subject of Library Science. The provincial Government of Sindh has arranged separate staff for this subject, While Librarian of other provinces in Pakistan are teaching the subject on voluntarily bases.However the Government has commi tted that separate staff will be provided for this subject.
Since its independence no scheme for the development of Libraries was devised to develop the Libraries on modern lines. Several commission have been set up by the Government to conduct surveys by the experts but all of them got go nothing. In 1949 Late Dr. Abdul Moid prepared a plan known as "NATIONAL PLAN FOR LIBRARY SERVICES IN PAKISTAN" in which 3200 Libraries were recommended on national level and one each for provincial head quarter, regional district and municipal town and even mobile libraries for remote areas were also suggested, but the Government had not taken any interest in this regard. In 1956 Mr.L.C Key has prepared report under the scheme of the Colombo plan known as" report and proposal on the establishment and improvement of Library service in Pakistan" in this proposal some 36 Libraries were recommended as one National Library two provincial and one for each university 20 for colleges and one special Library was proposed, but the Government has thrown the report in the cold storage. IN 1959 a special scheme was organized by the Govt: of Pakistan to establish public library system, with the justification that each province, division, district, tehsil and union c council will be provided with a library. To some extent the scheme has been implemented. In 1980 on the advice of Ex president of Pakistan General Muhammad Ziaul Haq technical working group was constituted by the ministry of Education under the chairmanship of Dr. Anis Khurshid with the member of each province and Federal area. The group visited remote and unapproachable areas of the country, conducted interviews/survey programmes and prepared a comprehensive report. It was suggested that 8,000 libraries will be established in the six five year plan, but the scheme has not been implemented. Although the Govt: has established National Library Islamabad and Provincial Library in each Provincial Headquarter.
National Libraries in the development of countries have a crucial role to play. Information has now become a very essential and necessary ingredient for the decision making processes, so this is required on the legislative basis to play its role in the preservation, growth and dissemination of the intellectual and cultural heritage of the people of Pakistan. The Government of Pakistan has established a Directorate of Archives and Libraries in 1949 at Karachi under the Ministry of education for the protection of literary heritage of its people. National Library was also established in 1950 as a branch of this Directorate. In the year 1954 , the Liaqat Memorial Library was merged with the National Library and named as Liaqat National Library. In 1969, the Library was declared as legal depository under the copyright Law. This Library continued to function of the National Library until 1986.
The new building of National Library of Pakistan is located in the constitution Avenue in G 5 Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan with the total covered area 168,844 sq.ft. It was inaugurated by Mr. MOEEN QURESHI the Prime Minister of Pakistan on 24 August,1993. Over the past few years about 90,000 volumes have been acquired through purchases, gifts and legal deposit. This include 522 hand written m manuscripts an over 9400 rare books in Urdu, Arabic ,Persian, etc.
In the eight decade of this century, the Government of Pakistan has taken a good step for the development of Libraries in PAKISTAN, and established PUNJAB LIBRARY FOUNDATION in 1985 in Lahore. The foundation provides books and financial assistance to the Punjab main Libraries. It closely work with Pakistan Library Association in connection of professional growth of activities in the country. The foundation has also started its mobile Library services in Lahore the big city of Punjab. It is hoped that such like foundations will be established in other provinces of Pakistan.
- Public Libraries are people oriented Libraries and work for the betterment of the people to educate the people and to provide information to masses, but it should be established under the clear mandate of law to ensure nation wide provision of public library service. IFLA has set up three principles for Public Library system. There should be generally applicable and mandatory legislation .
- There should be a central authority charged with supervising the implementation of the legislation.
- The legislation national or state charged with responsibility for providing Public Library service.
In Pakistan no attention has been given toward the constitution of Public Library Legislation. Few efforts have been made by the individual to plan the public library system but all of them were dumped in the cold storage with the Government. The Pakistan Library Association has now prepared draft for the first time for Public Library Act in which Directorate for Public Library in each Province is suggested with a professionally qualified and competent Director of Libraries, provincial Library Board is recommended to be consisted of 16 members.
Under this act the following local authorities should be constituted.
- District Library Council with the power to establish branch libraries in the towns.
- City Library councils for each city with a population of 300000 and above.
- Municipal Library council for each city with a population not less then 50,000.
- Tehsil Library council for such tehsil town where no local body exist in the tehsil town.
- Town Library council each for such cities or town with a population between 10000 to 50000.
- To provide comprehensive and efficient library services for all citizens.
- To cooperate with other boards.
- To encourage adults and children to make full use of library service.
- To appoint committee for inquiry .
- To accept any gift for fund raising.
- To make arrangement for lectures and organize programme of adult literacy.
In this Act it is suggested that every local authority shall allocate 2% of there budget for the purpose of providing free public library services. But it will take time in implementation.
At present there are approximately 182 public libraries in Pakistan which are working without any system and planning few libraries are working under the Asia Foundation have also been introduced.
So for the service structure of library professional is concerned no attention has been given by the Government to formulate service rules for librarian. Since 1957 sixteen Pakistan Library Association conferences are held in Pakistan. In each conference PLA demanded service structure for library professional but all of them were dumped in the cold storage with the Government.
At present pay scales for Librarian are:
- University:
- No uniform rules are formulated for university librarian in Pakistan. university Grant Commission formulate rules for librarian with the justification of, Chief Librarian BPS.19
- Deputy Librarian BPS.18
- Assistant Librarian BPS.17
- Librarian BPS.16
- College:
- Librarian Mlisc BPS.17
- Librarian DLIS BPS.16
Some posts of Librarian have been upgraded to BPS.18 on the bases of seniority in Post Graduate colleges in Pakistan.
- Schools (Higher secondary)
- Librarian MLISc BPS.17
- Librarian DLIS BPS.16
- Public Libraries:
- No uniformity in there pay scales in Pakistan. The Government has committed that the Librarian will be given equal status with college teacher.
One of the most significant aspects of current century has been the emergence of a number of new and specialized subjects. Of these subjects ,information or information explosion is of rather recent origin and in gaining the importance day by day. Information has attained the importance of being an essential part of national resources. It is not only a national resource vital for scientific and economic progress, but also the medium of social communication. It has become to be known as "a new wealth of nations".
There are 22 universities in Pakistan as under:
- General universities 13
- Engineering universities 4
- Agricultural 3
- Health Science 1
- Management science 1
All these universities having the computer facilities in there Libraries. Out of 22 only 6 universities are using CD ROM and possess a number of international database on CD ROM. Few of them have e-mail and internet facilities also. The major factor for not introducing the information technology in the university libraries of Pakistan appears to be the lack of initiative and failure to realize the importance of information by the top management of the university, lack of proper finances, lack of trained manpower, lack of information sensitivity are also the reason of its failure.
Bibliography is said to be the structure of the book world of any nation .The importance of any nation can be gauged from its publication and its bibliographical activities. After independence the first bibliography was compiled by Mr. A.R.Ghani Pakistan a select bibliography "In 1950 Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group was formed in Pakistan sponsored by UNESCO. The group has published its firs t bibliography" Guide to work of reference in Pakistan" In the same year the group has published another bibliography" A Guide to Periodical and Newspaper published in Pakistan "The great achievement of this group is compilation of Retrospective National Bibliography of Pakistan"
The compilation of National Bibliography of Pakistan was assigned to National Bibliographical Unit in 1962 under the patronage of Directorate of Libraries, Ministry of Education Government of Pakistan. The unit has worked on this project and compiled successfully some part of National Bibliography . Compilation of the work of 1947 1962 is in progress. Along with this the National Book Centre with the cooperation of UNESCO has published a large number of bibliographies in Pakistan.
- " Books from Pakistan" published in 1973.
- Literature for children in urdu published in 1967.
- "Books on Pakistan" in 1965.
- Book world of Pakistan in 1967.
- Reference books in Urdu.
Apart from these number of trade bibliographies have been compiled by publishers and booksellers in Pakistan.
Pakistan Library Association was established in March 1957. At present it has more than 1500 member. During the span of 39 years the association has held 16 national conferences in provincial head quarter of Pakistan. The head quarter of the association keeps changing and rotate from one province to the other after two years.
Aims and Objectives of PLA
- Help to establish a comprehensive information service
- Provide technical advice and assistance
- Improve the existing library services in Pakistan.
- Conduct research in the field of LIBRARY SCIENCE
- Improve the status and professional standing of librarians
- Improve access to information through information technology
PLA has branch councils at each provincial capital and one federal chapter in Islamabad. Constitutional changes are considered in the General Body meeting which is held annually in conjunction with the PLA annual conference.
Since its inception it had made considerable contribution in promoting the cause of librarianship in Pakistan. The association publishing quarterly journal and Bimonthly NEWSLETTER regularly. The association plays a strong role in library world, it started income generating activities such as the establishment of Five computer Centre and again member of IFLA. The association has developed software for Library automation in Pakistan both English and Urdu version known as LIBRARY AUTOMATION AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME(LAMP) and CD ROM databases on SERNET some translated into Urdu and sold all over the world.. The LAMP software is using in more than 70 libraries in Pakistan an about 67 libraries in the world. More than 400 Librarian have been trained on this package, and the association is responsible for its services and upgradation.
- PLA has completed the following project on this package in Pakistan. Automation of Swiss development cooperative Library Islamabad.
- Library of sustainable Development policy institute Islamabad.
- Library college of nursing Islamabad.
- Library Pakistan Institute of Medical sciences Islamabad.
- Library children Hospital Islamabad.
- PIDE Library Islamabad.
- Library Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar 55,000 books.
- Library National Assembly Islamabad 17000 .
- Senate Library Islamabad 5000.
- Library NWFP Provincial Assembly 5000.
- Punjab Assembly Library 8000.
- Baluchistan Assembly Library 4500.
- Sindh Assembly Library 5000.
This project was initiated in Pakistan by Netherland Government in 1975 as Netherland scientific Literature Project SLP. This project focused specifically on collection building of scientific libraries. In June 1991, the country desk approved the phase ii of the project. The scope of the project was further widened to include all library development activities and also the operational at national level. The project name was change from SLP to the Netherland Library Development Project. This project is the first of its kind in Pakistan.
Keeping in view the requirement, the project provides technical and financial assistance for:
- Developing human resources through training
- Undertaking action oriented Research
- Holding seminars and conferences
- Improving library collection
- Formulating national policy and plans
- Introducing information Technology
- Publishing Newsletter and Journals
- Developing National Databases
- Establishing Information Network
- Establishing linkage with International Organization
In general the projects supports activities which leads to the improvement of the libraries and information services in the country.
Library Automation and development of information NETWORK are being undertaken on a priority bases.
Achievements of NLDP
- It has established five computer Centre in each provincial capital of Pakistan .In which more than 400 librarian have been trained on CDS ISIS/LAMP.
- It has given Financially stability to Pakistan Library Association through various projects.
- It has developed LAMP software with the cooperation of PLA for automation purposes.
- It has published many books on Library Science and provide to main libraries of Pakistan.
- It has developed the first bibliographic database on CD ROM. That is an excellent tool research and reference.
- It has introduced E-mail technology in Pakistan and provide this facility to all the PLA offices.
Automation is necessary to make research more productive, to disseminate information and for the development of union catalogue. There are about 4000 libraries in Pakistan There was no unified national bibliographic format for library system. The project of developing software was launched by Netherland Library Development project in collaboration with Pakistan Library Association. ,but the latter was responsible for marketing and the software support for LAMP. The development of LAMP was the great achievement of NLDP and PLA and will go a long way in facilitating the cause of library automation in the country. I deeply appreciate the endeavors by NLDP toward library automation and development in Pakistan, and this credit goes to Mr. Riaz Khan Project Director NLDP for successfully achieving the aims and objectives set for the project in respect of library automation and development in Pakistan.
- To have a best library environment the following points should be taken into consideration very seriously : National Library and Information policy should be introduced.
- Library foundation at Federal and Provincial level be constituted.
- Library legislation should be passed and enacted.
- Library Education should be improved and planned properly.
- Ministry of Libraries at Federal and Provincial level with appropriate directorates should be approved.
- Networking, Internet and modern Information Technology be improved.
- Union catalog and union database should be introduced.
- Professional should be trained through the continuing education programme.
- NGO's like NLDP, Asia Foundation should be encouraged to work for the betterment of profession.
- Service structure should be provided to the library professionals.
Source : IFLA
Academic Librarian | International Research Journal Subscriber | Cataloguing Librarian | Collection Management Specialist | Information Classification Specialist | Library Organization Specialist | Office Administrator
3 周Good job Wajid. ??