Status: Girl, get your ass out of this mode. Re-centering myself for consciousness - also in business.

Status: Girl, get your ass out of this mode. Re-centering myself for consciousness - also in business.

Having the first holidays for months, i realized again: The tunnel of un-awareness in daily life has swallowed me. Shit. During the days off my inner-voice had the chance to be heart again:

Girl, get your ass out of this mode, you know better than that.

I meditate and do yoga some days a week and re-center very focused mind & body every weekend. I thought, that was enough - even though my intuition had already sent me clear signs that it is not. Especially because it became less lately.

The last week I used the time to FEEL again, what motivates ME from the innermost: It is the consciousness in, my deep love and thankfulness for life. This mood motivates me to write this article right now.

We have to find consciousness - also in business. Especially leader-roles have to march ahead. If you quick dismiss consciousness as some sort of spiritual woo-woo, you can do it - but nevertheless, you are much MORE than ‘flesh and blood’, that mistakenly thinks, it is rational. There is overwhelming literature out there, describing your multidimensionality and and irrationality - also scientific. If you are interested in sources, feel free to write me or just 'ask google' for literature.

What is going on in your own inner life at the moment? Reflect briefly…

  • How is you inner dimension of yourself? Are you happy? Is there peace? Is there confidence?
  • Does your path feel good?
  • Do you feel love?

For each of us, these questions and even more so the answers mean something different. Each of us at this moment is experiencing its own reality - in its own dimensions. And as we do this in our private life, we do it inside every company. The better people’s level of reflection, of awareness, the better the quality of the consciousness of the company itself. This shows up in your daily communications, reactions and decisions - and in crisis.

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I really wonder about, how far digitalization (which goes hand in hand with the desire for humanity) must progress and how many crisis still have to appear, before we broadly accept that "soft skills", ability for reflection, will for change, vulnerability, holistic sustainability and loving humanity are indispensable foundations of any economic success or even of entrepreneurial survival in the future.

Unfortunately too many companies are operating in the Industrial Revolution age methodology

Work 8 hours (it is not about working more/less, but different!), don’t complain, be thankful and patient, don’t disturb/impact others, be efficient but not creative & and so on. Your personality stays at home. You come as a worker, not as a human being. But how are we supposed to master all the challenges, if we were taught that our passion, our values, our hearts have no room at work? Who are the change-makers, the innovation-drivers, the front-runners supposed to inspire effective and?sustainable?

I appeal that we proclaim the BRAVE SPACE at work - for the complex creatures, who we are.

Therefore we need to first and foremost - stop avoiding the discussion. We have to be bold enough to investigate the unspoken space that exists. Let us bring intuition back to the table. Ask for values. Ask for perspectives and let us try to take them - or at least let them be. Demand creativity and irrationality. Be a blank sheet of paper.?Speak less, express yourself more. Observe. Don’t let us think outside the box, let us think without the box. The world is so challenged: Crisis, evolution and transformation appear everywhere. We have to finally leave the familiar synapse paths - even if it is tedious, maybe scary - and maybe sounds like woo-woo.

Consciousness in all dimensions is a lightning bolt of power - for connections among employees and customers. A light is turned on from the inside out. It’s magic.

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The great mystery of that inner dimension, the constant journey of reflection and expansion, has been and continues to be the biggest adventure of my own life. Just lately I have realized for myself that many things that used to be (very) right for me in the past, are no longer so today. This is the progress that is called life.?

So to finish this article, I want to give you a few questions again. However you answer them, is the constant state of nonverbal and verbal expression you are extending out into the world, to your colleagues, team and company - often times unconscious to you.

  • How conscious are you?
  • When was the last time you did nothing? Really nothing?
  • What is that inner dialogue in your head? Is it kind? Is it forgiving?
  • Do you love?
  • You have three wishes. What do you change & why?

I invite you to reflect on your own inner space for the next week. See if you can witness your self-talk. Notice how that affects those around you at work. There is an adventure waiting for us. And the journey of consciousness, of being aware if yourself + others, has the potential to positively impact everything in our life, especially in work. Open the brave space to grow.

Stefanie Lackner

Head of Sustainability Comms @Bentley Motors

2 年


Laura Lewandowski ??

AI-Queen der Creator Economy | Gründerin Smart Chiefs, Business Influencer, Ex-dpa-Journalistin | 30 u 30

2 年

I love this approach! The question is: what's the next concrete step to move things in another direction? Is the mainstream even ready for these questions? And if not, how do we change this?

Maija Corinti Salvén

Digital Transformation / Strategic Communication / Coaching #Tech4Opportunity #NordicMindset #DigitalEthics #PublicAffairs Co-Founder de’ge’polW / Board Member WIL & Quadriga

2 年

?A lightning bolt of power from the inside out“ - wow, what an image! So true!


