The Statue of Responsibility
Phoebe Fournier
Educator | Wellness Mentor | Life Mastery Consultant | Professional Speaker | Success Coach | Work-Life-Balance Educator
This summer, we celebrated Independence Day in the US and this week we remembered the gut-wrenching experience of watching the fall of 3 iconic NY buildings. Another NY icon, the Statue of Liberty welcomes all who enter the harbor and has come to symbolize freedom. Are you aware that another statue was created, inspired by the Austrian neurologist, psychologist, philosopher, and Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl? The Statue of Responsibility was intended to be on the west coast. It depicts one hand grasping and lifting another. After efforts to construct it in California failed, it is now proposed to be built in Utah.
It reminds me that every freedom comes with an equal responsibility. Think of each freedom you enjoy—what is the corresponding responsibility? Which of our Bill of Rights are you most grateful for? Our founding fathers saw and experienced tyranny and knew it could return. They brilliantly forged inspired documents that grant us unalienable rights and can protect us from that tyranny in our day. We are so fortunate to enjoy freedoms that many people in the world, would risk everything to have even one if not them all and many of our ancestors did. Have you ever wondered what happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence? Paul Harvey, noted radio commentator and writer answered the question in an article entitled, “What Price Freedom?”
Here's the last paragraph: "Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. These were softspoken men of means, wealth and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight and unwavering, they pledged: ‘For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.’”
Here's the link to the one page article.
Recent years have demonstrated that some of our most cherished freedoms can quickly be swept aside in the name of protecting other societal interests. 'We the People' must take responsibility for protecting and preserving these precious freedoms. What are some of the things we can do? What are you doing now or plan to do? Post those actions in the comments. You may inspire others to do it as well, even start a Margaret Mead grass roots movement in your area bringing together other people who feel as you do. If we desire changes, let’s wake up to our responsibilities and as Gandhi said, “be the change we wish to see in the world!” I look forward to your comments.
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5 个月Brilliant!