Stats on Sunday -- 1/22/2023
From looking at some recent LinkedIn posts, the word is already out that the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is going to be updating the weights of goods and services in the Consumer?Price Index (CPI) more frequently -- in fact, once a year. You can learn more details in a recent BLS blog post.
And speaking of BLS blog posts, there's a new post that dives into CPI information for baby food and other food categories. Check it out.
But the big news is the updated format of BLS blog posts, which now mirror the format of other pages on This change comes with some advantages.
Going forward, all charts and graphics included in the blog posts will use the same interactive functions that you see on other BLS web pages. No more static graphics.
Another improvement is the archive. My personal favorite is the "by month" option, which provides a concise list of blog topics and easy links to get to them. You might remember one of your favorite blog topics, like cicadas or Olympics. Now they are easier than ever to find. There is also an archive by topic.
If you are not remembering the challenges of finding prior blogs before this change, consider yourself lucky.
If you had the old BLS blog site bookmarked, you need to update your bookmark to
And keep an eye out for some interesting new blog content coming your way soon.