Statistics Part-1
Index :
-> Definition
-> What Exactly is Data?
?Types of Statistics
-> 1.What Is Descriptive Stats?
-> 2.Inferential Stats
?Problem Statement Framing
?Sampling Techniques
-> 1.Simple Random Sampling
-> 2.Stratified Sampling
-> 3.Systematic Sampling
-> 4.Convience Sampling
Definition :
Statistics is the science of Collecting, Organizing and Analysing data.
What Exactly is Data?
Facts or pieces of Information.
Can I find some information about the data?
Like can we calculate the Mean ,Median of the data we can put them in the term of Analysis.
?Types of Statistics
There are two types of Statistics
1. What is Descriptive Stats?
It Consists of Organising and Summarising of data.
E.g : Histogram , Bar Chart , pdf (Probability distribution function) , Pie Chart , Box Plot(Horizontal) , Candle Stick(Vertical)
2. Inferential Stats
It Consists of a Technique to form some conclusions.
Interview Question asked in the Amazon
What is the average size of All Sharks in the World?
Answer me in comment which type of Statistics we'll use is it gonna be descriptive or inferential?
? Problem Statement
E.g ) Lets say there are 20 classrooms in a university and you have covered the age of students in one classroom -
Ages {21 ,20 , 18 , 34, 17 , 22 , 24, 25 , 26 , 23 ,22 }
???? Descriptive Questions
How's the question can be there in descriptive?
How's the question can be there in descriptive?
Descriptive Stats : What is the average age of the Students in the classroom??
Other possible questions
???? Inferential Questions
For simplicity:
Inferential statistics is about using a small group (sample) to learn about a larger group (population).
We collect data from the sample, analyze it, and then make conclusions or predictions about the population.
? Sampling Techniques
1. Simple Random Sampling
2. Stratified Sampling
Ex :
3. Systematic Sampling
Example :
Example: For a population of 1000 and a sample size of 100, set k = 10 . Starting from a random point (e.g., 4), select every 10th person (4, 14, 24, etc.) to get a well-spread sample.
4. Convenience sampling
Example :::
Surveying pupils in your class since they are close by and easily available, rather than sampling from the entire school.