Statistical Techniques for Transport Planners
Any data-led transport project will require the use of statistical and other mathematical techniques at some stage, whether this be in determining the scale of a perceived problem, establishing how much data to collect, analysing data, dealing with problems in data sets, or when undertaking before and after monitoring.
This one day course equips delegates with working knowledge of the statistical techniques that should be applied at different stages in projects to ensure that the evidence base underlying decisions is robust. Packed with hands on exercises, and supported by useful reference material, this one day course is a must for anyone wishing to increase their confidence in practical mathematics.
The course has been developed for people who need to analyse and manipulate data as part of their transport planning work, and is particularly suitable for people who have recently joined the industry or started working on more technical and/or analytical projects. Anyone who needs to justify decisions on transport interventions through a robust evidence base will find this course invaluable.
Benjamin Heydecker will be delivering this course in London on 26th November.