Statistical Spotlight on Roma in Ireland Published Today.

Statistical Spotlight on Roma in Ireland Published Today.

Today we published a report, which provides information on the Roma community in Ireland. The report examines data from the most recent Census of Population (2022), in which the Roma community was included as an individual category on the question of ethnicity for the first time.

In July 2024, the Department published the National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy II (NTRIS II), which aims to keep our commitment to change attitudes and remediate inequalities for Travellers and Roma living in Ireland.

Today’s report examines the Roma population in Ireland, including family composition, health, and education in the Roma community, as well as providing an insight into Ireland’s attitudes to persons of varying ethnicities. This data will facilitate policy-making and serve to improve the services and supports available for these communities.

Some of the key findings from the report are:

  • There are 16,059 Roma living in Ireland, as per the most recent Census of Population (2022). This is the first time that an official figure has been recorded for this community.
  • The majority of Roma resident in Ireland live in Dublin (6,144) and Cork (1,251). A small number of Roma live in each of the other 24 counties.
  • The overall majority of Roma in Ireland are of good health, matching the same trend as the general population. 87% of Roma in Ireland noted their health as being good or very good, in comparison to 83% of the general population of Ireland.
  • The majority of Roma in Ireland have completed second level education. Roma youth have a rate of transfer from primary to post-primary education of 89%, which is higher than the transfer rate of the Traveler community of 83%.
  • Most of the Roma population over 15 years old work, accounting for 61% of the population in this age range. Just under 10% of the Roma population over the age of 15 are homemakers.
  • 63% of survey respondents believed that identifying as a member of the Roma community would put a person at a disadvantage for employment. The Roma community was the second highest ethnic group that those surveyed believed would face disadvantage when being hired for a role (members of the Traveller community were the highest ethnic group at 67%).

This report is the fourteenth publication in a series of Statistical Spotlights. These Spotlight publications are topical in nature and of interest to both specialist and general readers. The data in this Spotlight were sourced from the CSO (Central Statistics Office Ireland) , the Census of Population 2022, Pobal NASC, Department of Education — Ireland , and Pavee Point , amongst others.

The full report can be found here.

Irish Traveller Movement

Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI)

Amnesty International



The Community Platform

Hope & Courage Collective

UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice

Roma Foundation for Europe


Roderic many thanks for your insightful contribution ??????

I hope it addresses Irish travellers who are still being oppressed in society regardless of legislation, there is indirect discrimination hidden agendas by policy makers etc, its all good having policies but I've seen in teaching throughout comments made in my presence about travellers and I was truly appalled and shocked cos the other teacher thought I would agree with them, I chose never to sit in their company again. If it goes on in the staffcdoom what chance does a traveller child or youth have,,,,incthis day and age what can I say. I also had a situation with the roma Community where a 17 year old boy was just abouts in education but was dirced by his family ro gmhave a children and a second one soon after and I told him not to be embarrassed that we had contraception available and he told me that he had no choice that it was his duty from his persons to get a house and look after them and gamely. He had years in his eyes when he told me becauseczi lbew he dreamed of glung uo college. He was such a beautiful person. Children are a gift and in the eyes of the law he wad an adult at 17 but in essence he was a young boy who fell in love


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