Statements as an alternative to questioning

Statements as an alternative to questioning

By Kate Jones

Questioning is an effective strategy to encourage and illuminate student thinking, but it does not necessarily need to take the form of a question. Statements can also be effective to promote elaboration and connected, flexible thinking in a classroom (Coe et al., 2020).

Using statements in the classroom is not intended to replace questioning; it can be used in addition to asking questions. Statements can check for understanding, elicit evidence of learning, or promote opportunities for discussion and peer collaboration. To respond to a statement, a student will be required to use their subject knowledge and understanding. It is a technique that can be used at nearly any level. In an early years classroom, students can discuss and share their thoughts and views. It can equally be used with older students to promote sophisticated debate about a topic.

Dylan Wiliam and Siobhan Leahy (2015) have written extensively about formative assessment strategies in the classroom. They write, “To teach well, we have to find out what students already know. But students do not always learn what we teach. That’s why finding out what students do know is essential to good teaching.” Statements can be used just for this very purpose. Wiliam and Leahy also explain a key benefit of using statements in the classroom, “Asking questions tends to close down discussion, because students usually just answer the question. More importantly, when you are asked a question, you can be wrong. You cannot be wrong responding to a statement.”

For example, imagine if a teacher presented the following statement to their primary class, “Roald Dahl often presents child characters as innocent and kind.” In their response, students would be required to use relevant examples. The teacher can instruct the class to recall or find relevant examples to support and challenge the statement. This task could be completed individually through a written response, or it could be carried out verbally by collaborating with peers.

In this illustration, students can provide examples, such as the titular character Matilda, to represent a child that demonstrates kindness and innocence—or Charlie (from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) as another example. Alternatively, learners could point to other characters, such as Augustus Gloop and Veruca Salt (both from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) is examples of greedy and selfishly demanding children, respectively. Being able to provide such examples, requires students to possess knowledge of a wide range of stories and characters. Responding to the original statement would be well suited as a task towards the end of a topic or when students have developed a strong knowledge base they can draw on.

Another example of statements in the classroom is with older learners. Using statement as a form of questioning can support a range of skills, such as the ability to analyse and provide supporting evidence. In a history lesson students could be provided with the statement, “The main reason for the Russian Revolution were the actions of Tsar Nicholas”. This statement will require students to draw on their historical knowledge of the different causes of the Russian Revolution, both long- and short-term. Students will need to compare and contrast the significance of the different causes. They could respond to this by agreeing it was the main reason and explaining their judgment, or they could choose to challenge the statement with supporting evidence.

Statements can be used alongside other classroom strategies and techniques, for example a think-pair-share. In this technique, students are be provided with ‘think time’ to write down their initial response; this is followed by an opportunity to discuss the statement and their views with their partner, prior to sharing with the class. In a similar approach, small groups could be tasked with finding information and examples relating to a statement, which is later shared with the class.

Statements can be used as a retrieval cue; students will have to individually retrieve knowledge from their long-term memory and apply that knowledge to their responses. To be properly considered a retrieval cue, students should not use class notes or confer with peers. However, there may be instances to allow it—for example, if the purpose of the statement is to support consolidation of knowledge and understanding rather than retrieval.

We know the power of questioning as a tool to activate our students’ hard thinking. While it’s easy to think of that taking the form of questions, it’s another instance of an effective strategy that can be faithfully adapted. Here’s one final example of statement that you can consider yourself: Using statements is a great way to promote student thinking that encourages conversation and invites elaboration. You’ve seen that using statements can be very powerful in the classroom, but there are other techniques that encourage and illuminate student thinking which you can explore.

Ready to learn more about the Questioning element of the Model for Great Teaching? Complete this online course which is included in your Great Teaching Toolkit.



Coe, R., Rauch, C. J., Kime, S., & Singleton, D. (2020). Great teaching toolkit: Evidence Review. Evidence Based Education.

Wiliam, Dylan., & Leahy, S. (2015). Embedding formative assessment: Practical techniques for K-12 classrooms. Learning Sciences International.

Hello and I hope everyone is doing well. It seems everywhere I turn after 25 years of educational service and still continuing service. A flood of schools and consultants are looking for a “new” silver bullet to raise their schools standings. While watching various recently new or changed terms like metacognitiin Socratic questioning, tiered questioning, and more.. I go against the grain and do what’s best for my students in their learning advancements. Many of these newish terms go back to years worth of techniques that are already being employed at work, but I call it, good ole fashion teaching”. It is not new to prove a students mind for a deeper understanding, it is not new to scaffold lessons, it is not new to assess the student multiple ways, for the most part, only the terms have changed not the techniques for a passionate seasoned cultivator.


Thanks for the insightful article! Using statements to check comprehension is a logical approach, but linking them to specific learning targets can provide teachers with clearer guidance on evaluating student responses. Additionally, incorporating a rubric would help ensure consistency in assessment across classrooms. One particularly insightful point from the article was the idea that effective teaching requires understanding what students actually know—since students don’t always learn exactly what is taught. Having reliable ways to measure comprehension is essential, and aligning statements with learning targets offers a structured way to assess student responses against a clear benchmark.

Rachel Davis

Associate Assistant Headteacher at St. John the Baptist Catholic School

1 个月

This is actually how exam questions are often worded in OCR Sociology A Level…a statement followed by ‘evaluate this view’. As a result I have used this strategy a lot with my classes and found it very effective at generating hard thinking and high quality analysis.

I think we underestimate the 'power of doubt' in the classroom - eliciting that metacognition of thinking about thinking and questioning whether your answer is correct by using simple questioning techinques e.g. 'Are they right? How do you know?' or equally as effective 'Prove it'. This encourages students to explain and justify themselves to the teacher or one another using their prior knowledge. But crucially whether responding to questions in this manner or responding to these statements, it is important that students are guided and explicitly taught how we expect them to respond, or we risk the answer of 'I don't know I just know it'.


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