Statement Regarding Mosaic Cult
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(reprinted from a response to a Mosaic propaganda video)
Mosaic is a cult, and I would plead with you not to be foolish enough to confuse this entertainment with a biblical, Godly church. It's a cult because it is unfriendly to believers who seek The Word which is Christ, as my first-hand experience has shown me; and it's also a cult because it is theologically built upon a foundation not of solid, Biblical rock like the Wise Man of Matthew 7:24; or of Solomon, whom Erwin is prideful enough to proclaim himself as wiser than; but rather, the Mosaic cult and its offshoots are built upon Erwin's original theology of "The Elements," which attempts to force God's truth onto a pagan construct. Only after Mosaic leadership repents of the sin of worshipping the technological gospel of Instant Gratification - which is the opposite of faith as defined by the Bible, will God ever see fit to bless Mosaic with more than what it has already been egregiously unfaithful in managing hitherto. I warn you in the strongest terms about engaging with this recognized cult, often classified by Bible believers as the "emergent" or "emergent church." Again, its god is entertainment, and not the Christ of the Bible; and God will now allow for such an idol within his Body. As one of my pastors recently made this analogy, the "Worship" of Mosaic is like that of the Israelites worshiping the golden calf. They, too, thought their "contemporary worship service" was somehow directed toward their Father God. But that Mosaic tribe wasn't worshipping God any more than this Mosaic tribe is right now. Repent and be saved. Repent of the wiles of Hollywood, and the instant gratification entertainment ethic, which is the opposite of faith, which is the evidence of things UNSEEN (i.e. NOT the silver screen, or television, and everything else Mosaic currently edifies) - including "The Elements," a Pagan, anti-Christian theology and foundation which leads to death, unlike Christ, the only Way, Truth, and the Life.