Statement from the Leader of the Opposition
Wednesday 19 April 2023
IBAC’s Operation Daintree report goes to the heart of Daniel Andrews’ Government, its abuse of power and complete lack of integrity.
Whether you call it soft corruption or grey corruption, at the end of the day it’s all corruption.
This is a government mired in corruption. A government with corruption in its DNA and spreading like a disease.
From the Premier, to his Ministers, to their staff, corruption has taken hold of this Government.
And at the very top of the Government is a Premier who only tells the truth when it suits him.
A Premier who rules by fear and intimidation. Government staffers carrying out his commands regardless of the consequences and their impact on Victorians, in this case our frontline health workers.
Bullying public servants, skirting proper process, providing special treatment to mates and putting political interest ahead of the public interest.
The Premier has been in power for more than eight years. How many more reports and corruption scandals do we need before the Premier understands that he is the problem?
In the interests of Victorians, Daniel Andrews must now seriously consider whether he can tackle the corruption he’s allowed to flourish or whether it’s time for him to hand over to somebody who can.
Because you can’t be the problem and also be the solution.