Is This the State Where You Live?
Is This the State Where You Live?
A totalitarian state controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens' activities?
A political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures?
Those are two definitions of a police state.
The FBI is our top cop, the top police organization in the United States of America. And, thank God, under our system even the FBI must go to a court of law and obtain a warrant in order to spy on Americans.
The ultimate court to approve this spying is the FISA court. The wikipedia explanation of the FISA court: The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC, also called the FISA Court) is a U.S. federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for surveillance warrants against foreign spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
When the FBI went to FISA to obtain a warrant to spy upon a member of the Trump team, they relied upon information bought and paid for by the Clinton team, information developed by Fusion GPS, an organization blatantly in support of Clinton for president. And which provided “evidence” never substantiated and proved to be false and this fact was hidden from the FISA judge who ruled in favor of a warrant. After being refused a warrant, the FBI went back with a lie and obtained one.
They lied to the judge about the source of their information, never disclosing the bias of the accusers. And they KNEW the information was false. If I were that judge, I’d be head hunting, and if there’s fairness in this country of ours, he is. It’s against the law to lie to the FBI. I must presume it’s against the law for the FBI to lie to the court. And no one, if we have a republic, is above the law, including James Comey or Rosenstein.
If no one goes to jail over this, I worry about our republic. And now we hear the liberals, the Democrats, the Clinton team, cry foul because the truth is coming to the surface. They are throwing up so many smoke screens I hope they choke on them. As they sat on their hands when Trump said during the State of the Union Address, “salute the flag, stand for the pledge,” and “the lowest unemployment in decades,” they should be shutting their pie holes over this outrageous disrespect of the law and of the American people. The fact is, were they true Americans, they would join in the headhunt.
I’ve tried to be open minded when liberals proclaimed their philosophy, but after hearing Bernie Sanders and Stephen King, say “thank God” and “it was karma” in regards to the train full of Republicans being wrecked, one of whom had eight of his children on board, and MSNBC saying we should have a “revolution” over Donald Trump’s presidency, I can only suggest that any liberal who makes that kind of comment in my presence had best have a good dentist on call.
I wonder, Mr. Sanders, was it “thank God” when your fellow Democrat cheated you out of the nomination? I wonder, Mr. King, was it “karma” when that van ran you down from behind and cost you three years in recovery? I wonder, MSNBC, if you understand the other side has a half dozen guns per household and a few billion rounds of ammunition while your side revels in having men who want to slip into the lady’s room, so long as no women like the women I know are there, as they’d kick your candy asses.
I’m getting truly sick of liberals and liars fusing into the same animal.