The State of the Nigerian Vocational Market
While vocational education shows promise in the development of the nation, it has also faced offensive constraint in fulfilling its mission. Some of these constraints have root causes in the past, while others are the consequences of opposing social, political, psychological and philosophical forces. Most of the constraints to the development of vocational education in Nigeria originated in the colonial era, they are now amplified in national issues. The lack of consideration given to vocational education has affected its image, the enrollment of students in vocational technical training programs and the insufficiently equipped laboratories for the development of vocational skills. The products of vocational education programs have been discriminated against when it comes to appointing people to key positions in government institutions.
Moreover, vocational education always gets the shorter end of the stick when it comes to legal allocations of money to the governing bodies of the nation. The didactic phase of vocational education suffered from many drawbacks including lack of qualified teachers, lack of training materials and authentic texts based on the home background of Nigerian students. other factors, on the gender imbalance in student enrollment and vocational education professionals. This imbalance was the consequence of the discriminatory attitudes of colonial times and post-independent Nigeria. However, today, vocational training education has taken a better position, but with another level of constraints. However, one of the main limitations that still comes up against vocational education is that they are poorly funded.
Vocational training in vocational education involves the use of equipment, machines and power tools to transform raw materials into products or provide services. There is the problem of shortage of qualified VET teachers. However, in terms of the number of professional teachers available, there is no problem, but if we consider the question of qualification, then most of the professional teachers are handicapped due to their lack of necessary skills. Other development constraints are the insufficient number of laboratories, ill-equipped laboratories, the absence of a recognized legal status of vocational education, the exodus of qualified teachers towards greener pastures, the weakness of school relations industry, the use of inadequate aptitude tests to select vocational training students, inadequate curricula for teacher training, and lack of follow-up studies to monitor the performance of program products in the workplace. The vocational education program in Nigeria has never enjoyed life insurance coverage for students and teachers. Although vocational education in Nigeria has faced offensive development challenges, there are prospects awaiting the realization of the efforts of all stakeholders. Faced with these challenges, vocational education is seen as the key to national development.
Challenges against the development of vocational education include: low funding, irregular supply and a shortage of qualified teachers, all of which are at the root of the problems that hinder the achievement of vocational training goals in Nigeria. In conjunction with the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund, we have devoted ourselves as a vocational academy to see to the improvement of vocational training in Lagos State and Nigeria as a whole. We do this through the aid of our professional teachers, adequate curricula for our teachers training, following up studies to monitor the performance of our programs.