State of Mind
Life has its ups and downs, I have been through so many ups and downs I think I can add them to my resume as one of the skills or experience.
These ups and downs could be about anything, Finance, Health, Family, or life in general.
I have realized after so many ups and downs, we always come back to the balance we need, Especially when I went down only the questions have changed.
In the beginning, I struggled to find the directions, I took a lot of unprepared and unplanned actions. Some of the actions worked and I came back up.
The questions after a few of the struggles changed to, what was that I did last time, which helped me pave the way.
At least for the last few years, I have talked to my mentor and friend IIrfann A Noorani whenever I am struggling to find an answer, A beautiful thing he said is, that you need to change your state of mind to be able to find the right answer you are looking for.
I could not believe how right he was, every time I had to come back up I had to get into the right state of mind, write down everything, and Create a problem statement to be able to solve the problem which I learned in one of the leadership course by Harappa .
This time I learned something new, complete your backlogs to take up new challenges and create new opportunities.
Challenges become solvable once you have a plan and the right state of mind.
Thank you to everyone who reads this and gets something out of this.
Let's Get started and create a balanced life together.
Ranjan Pathak