State of God
State of God
In the State of God, there are no fabricated borders to separate people from each other. Everyone can enter therein without presenting any passport, because all territories belong to the Only and One Owner.
However, in the State of the devil, every piece of a worthless land is surrounded by borders, separating people from each other, as if they were afraid of dangerous enemies or beasts. This is, for sure, against the Will of God, whose purpose of creating human beings is to make them live together as one family, feel as one family, care for each other as family members and give hands of help to those in need.
God’s highest purpose of creation is to make people live as brothers and sisters in the land of His own, as all people, in the end, are sons and daughters of Adam (PBUH) and Eve.
For me, I am quite confident and sure that the day will come when such an ugly evil State of devil will disappear once and for all, and the peaceful State of God (Glory to Him) will prevail until the Doomsday, where there will be nothing to stand in between us as people. No borders, race, language, or …etc will divide us anymore.??