The State of the Nation

By Dr. phil.?Uwe?Boll

I would like to stress in advance that in my entire life I have only voted for the SPD and the Greens. I am a film director, producer, freedom-loving fan of democracy and for a social market economy. The following essay was written solely out of concern. Not only I, but actually all of my friends and acquaintances - and these come from all social classes - can only shake their heads at the political situation and the political leaders in Germany. In contrast to the many journalists, citizens, authors and politicians who see and describe it the same way, I would like to go further here and show what will really happen if we carry on like this and what we really have to do in order to be able to exist here in peace, prosperity and freedom.

The German government, including the federal states, spends around 130 billion per year on migration, development aid and the Ukraine. At the same time, around 25,000 German companies will file for bankruptcy this year. The gross national product is falling for the second year in a row. All other industrialized countries are growing. Energy prices in Germany are three times higher than in the USA and five times as high as in China. Large industry (Bayer, BASF, VW, BMW, SAP, BOSCH and many others) has been cutting jobs in Germany for two years now (around 150,000 well-paid jobs so far - and the trend is rising). The number of orders in industry looks catastrophic. It is predicted that next year health insurance, fuel, electricity and food will become significantly more expensive for citizens. A few examples from me directly: for three people, my health insurance with AXA now costs me 1,630 euros a month - three years ago it was 1,304 euros. We have a gas stove and 5 liters of gas cost 8 euros 3 years ago - now 26 euros. My 8000 liter oil heating tank cost around 5000 euros per fill 3 years ago, now 8500 euros. I invested 46,000 euros in solar panels on my flat roof, which, despite the large battery, only reduce my electricity bill by around 30%. I won't recoup this investment in 50 years. I have enough money, but what happens to the population when prices rise like this?

The government, in cooperation with ARD and ZDF and many print media, is now concentrating on the election campaign, where the same politicians whose government work created the above situation will compete against each other again and create a new coalition that will ensure one thing above all: that they themselves can collect high salaries and pensions until they die, that their helpers, party friends, civil servants and employees of the public broadcasting service remain fully provided for and that this is done without having to prove actual productivity and performance. The last years of the CDU/SPD coalition under Merkel and the three years of the traffic light government have brought about a situation that is now slowly but steadily destroying the prosperity built up after the Second World War and the internal and external security of the country. While the citizens discuss but have no say, the politicians concentrate on verbal battles in talk shows and in the Bundestag instead of making obvious decisions. The incoming government has no concept other than maintaining its own power by means of higher new debt and higher burdens on the citizens. No change in behavior from the politicians is to be expected. The EU representatives have just increased their salaries for the sixth time in three years (36% more within three years) and of course the German politicians are always following suit. Despite criticism regarding CO2 consumption and enough problems within Germany, German politicians are constantly flying around in huge government planes, each of them continuing to spend over 20,000 euros a month on photographers, make-up and hair stylists without batting an eyelid. A Chancellor Scholz is by no means stopping the 800 million euro renovation of the Federal Chancellery, although money is lacking everywhere. Laws are being passed (Democracy Promotion Act) and censorship authorities (Trusted Flagger etc.) are being created that undermine the Basic Law and criminalize expressions of opinion, because the Greens in particular believe that anyone who does not share our opinion must be a Nazi, fascist and criminal. Habeck and Baerbock are squandering public money not only on their beauty and self-promotion, but also on finding possible insults on the Internet and then sending criminal charges and warnings, which the taxpayer has to finance with millions of euros for lawyers and Internet search assistants. Habeck's message is clear: he wants to exclude criticism and free expression of opinion against him and make every citizen afraid so that he can continue to maintain his pseudo-existence characterized by self-love among his target group of voters.

The oath of office that every minister and also the chancellor must take is:?“I swear that I will dedicate my strength to the well-being of the German people, increase their benefits, avert harm from them, uphold and defend the Basic Law and the laws of the Federation, conscientiously fulfil my duties and practice justice towards everyone!”?

The fundamental mistake of the current German politicians is that they are too well-fed and spoiled themselves and take income for granted even without performance. Since their money and their careers function in the party system even without performance, they do not understand that there is a world where people actually need professional and academic qualifications and then have to contribute their labor to produce goods and services that can and must be measured in money. The list of college dropouts and daydreamers, especially in the Greens and the SPD, is long. Driven by a false morality, they feel like they are world politicians who have to tell and show the whole world what is right and wrong, forgetting their oath of office and putting the interests of the German people second. The last three years of the traffic light government have finally made it clear that it will not work in the long term to continue to rely on the personnel of the existing government parties. The CDU, SPD, GREENS and FDP will continue to win elections, but only because the system does not allow anything else. Other parties such as the AFD and BSW are fought, ignored and demonized; Small parties were nipped in the bud by the 5% hurdle and citizens' councils, referendums and politically independent expert committees were not even brought into play. The so-called other parties often received between 10 and 20% in total in the last European and state elections and should be given more political weight and seats in parliaments, because then other majorities could be found for individual issues. "Firewalls" are anti-constitutional and anti-democratic, because if a party is in parliament it has been democratically elected, i.e. wanted by the citizens.?

While we in the USA are being shown revolutionary changes on a daily basis following Trump's election victory, our government, together with public broadcasting, is increasing the pressure on free expression and together the voters are being bombarded in an effort to distract from the actually unavoidable political decisions that they do not want to implement. The aim remains to ignore facts and to use morality instead of logic and data. Trump's new Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth is being mocked here as a breakfast presenter on the FOX channel and is sexually harassed by women. His Harvard degree, his time as a career soldier and the fact that he was the managing director of the association of war veterans are deliberately kept secret. Meanwhile, we have had much less qualified dead files (i.e. Merkel victims) as Secretary of Defense such as Ursula von der Leyen, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Christine Lambrecht. The new Minister of Health RFK Jr. is classified in Germany as a corona denier and conspiracy theorist, but it is omitted that he was a lawyer for environmental activists for decades and will now pursue his main goal with top Harvard doctors, namely that Americans should no longer eat so much fast food and that obesity should be reduced through exercise and healthy eating. This would then mean that significantly fewer drugs would have to be prescribed. Obesity often causes diabetes and in the USA obesity is the biggest problem in the population. Our health minister Jens Spahn, who sunk tens of billions into worthless masks, was a banker - just as a reminder, because now he is a migration and defense expert and is hoping for a new ministerial post. I watch a lot more US TV, read US newspapers and books, etc., like 99% of German journalists, and I can hardly believe the reports here. The particularly absurd thing about RFK is that in retrospect he was even right about Corona, because the vaccine was of course by no means as effective as promised, did not protect against infection or transmission of the virus. Incidentally, he is not an anti-vaccination campaigner as reported here, but only an opponent of the Corona vaccine. JD Vance, the Vice President, comes from catastrophically poor circumstances, worked his way out of poverty and got a top Yale law degree, was in the US Marines, became a US senator and bestselling author. In Germany he is branded as a brutal anti-abortion campaigner - which 1. is not true, because he is in favor of allowing abortion up to 12 weeks, especially in pregnancies due to rape or when the mother or fetus is seriously ill and 2. abortion is not widely permitted in our country either. In the USA, abortions were permitted up to the 7th month and there were still 11,000 late-term abortions in 2023, over 7,000 of them for non-medical reasons, which actually amounts to the murder of a baby that was already developed. The unelected Kamala Harris continued to be in favor of such late-term abortions. We could go on like this, but I think it's now clear that we in Germany should "just shut up and take care of ourselves!" because we are governed by uneducated losers. The key thing is that it doesn't help us to distract from the topic of WHAT'S GOING WRONG HERE AND WHAT DO WE NEED TO CHANGE.

In order to fulfill the oath of office that we have taken, which does not require us to prevent harm from all other countries, but from the German people, the following things must be implemented, since failure to implement them has led to a loss of prosperity and security in Germany and will have catastrophic consequences for the future of the population:

1. Due to uncontrolled migration and a lack of integration, the safety of citizens in many inner city areas of German cities is no longer guaranteed. In Berlin, Jews and LGBTQ citizens were asked to avoid certain parts of the city with a higher Arab population, as their safety can no longer be guaranteed there. Public prayers and non-stop demonstrations by Islamists are demonstrations of power aimed at intimidating the German population. Everywhere in Europe it is visible that Islamists want to take over Europe through migration and reproduction and will do so in 40 or 50 years if we do not stop them. We suffer daily and in everyday life from too many migrants. Schools, authorities, doctor's offices, public places, buses and trains are overloaded with too many migrants and are losing quality. Crime rates in the area of violent crime have exploded due to migrants from Arab and African countries. Maischberger and Co. desperately gloss over this and even blame German right-wingers for rapes, which unfortunately has nothing to do with the facts. Every religion is a private matter and must not interfere with public life, laws and the economy.

Illegal migration from Africa must be drastically reduced by ensuring that no one can apply for asylum here and no one is allowed into the country. All those who stand at our border come from safe third countries and therefore have no right to asylum here. All migrants arriving by sea or land will be transported back on ferries within 2 weeks. We can do this together with the EU and if not, then we can do it alone. The human trafficking business will only end when word gets around that no one can get in anymore, regardless of whether they have a passport or not. Asylum applications will only be accepted and examined in consulates in Africa and approved if necessary by our labor market. All migrants who are in Germany and working are allowed to stay. All other migrants are offered work within 6 months and after completing language courses. Anyone who does not accept this work will be deported. All Ukrainian refugees will be given financial help for 6 months, after which they must work and manage their own lives or return to Ukraine. Expulsion means expulsion – there can be neither tolerance nor refusal for those being expelled, i.e. anyone who does not leave voluntarily will be deported by force if necessary.

Savings after about 1 year of over 60 billion euros for the federal government, states and municipalities.

2. The budget for development and economic aid will be permanently limited to 3 billion euros per year. Savings of around 30 billion euros.

3. The war in Ukraine was caused by Putin and is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people and all soldiers on both sides. No war since the Second World War has claimed so many lives. It should and must be brought to an end, regardless of whether Ukraine cedes territory or not. The military misjudgment of the situation and the prospects of a Ukrainian victory have caused enormous economic damage and led to a direct security threat to the population. Strack Zimmermann, who 30 years ago as an employee of a publishing house drove books to the bookshop in my home town of Burscheid, and all the other "experts" like Hofreiter or Kiesewetter are daydreamers who, encouraged by hundreds of appearances on talk shows, believe their own nonsense and completely ignore the actual military facts.

Is Ukraine defending itself heroically? Absolutely.

Will Ukraine win the war against Russia if they get more missiles and the Taurus? No.

Will Putin bomb more heavily and kill more people if Ukraine also bombs Russia heavily? Absolutely.

Will Ukraine eventually lose to Russia and Russian troops invade Kiev and will there then be a wave of refugees of millions more Ukrainians, preferably to Poland and Germany? 100%.

Therefore, the war must be stopped now. Either frozen or through a peace treaty. Putin will be able to keep the conquered territories. In order to get the best possible outcome for Ukraine, we must lift the sanctions, which have already cost us more than Russia. Germany must not take the risk of war. Germany owes Ukraine nothing and it is a catastrophic mistake or a deliberate deception of the population to claim that Ukraine is fighting for our freedom. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and only for that. Our support of Ukraine has caused us the greatest economic damage of all supporting countries. Almost all European countries have circumvented the sanctions and continued to buy gas and oil from Russia, while we let the Ukrainians blow up the pipeline without reacting in any way legally or politically. Germany does not have a strong and functioning Bundeswehr itself. Foreign Minister Baerbock has destroyed Germany's reputation abroad among friends and foes and is laughed at everywhere. We have to see where we stand and make our armed forces suitable not for war but for deterrence. This means that we need all the top weapons systems for ourselves, so that we can destroy any potential attacker on our own. Since Ukraine will definitely lose the war against Russia in the medium term, we have to act based on facts. Trump will probably help us get out of the situation by dictating a peace. The delivery of the Taurus undoubtedly increases the chance that we will wage an active war, because we are continuing to rely on Putin's decision not to do this, even though we ourselves are triggering it. By oath of office, politicians who demand the Taurus for Ukraine are committing a crime and treason against Germany.

4. Politicians think of themselves, their money and their confidants first. We all had to learn that, and not just after the traffic light coalition. So when people talk about less bureaucracy, they are of course not really abolishing bureaucracy and thus laws, regulations, officials and civil servants, they are just talking about it. This has been empirically proven and not just since the traffic light coalition. The fact that Germany has been successful for decades is the result of good schools, universities, the work and learning discipline of the working population and the business acumen, ideas and products of the companies. Due to the new generation of politicians (including their voters) and their policies as mentioned above, all of this is in steep decline. There are very good books and experts on this, but here are just a few examples from my perspective. In Germany, setting up a GmbH costs several thousand euros (notary, lawyers, deposit). Every company has to pay the Chamber of Industry and Commerce 450 euros a year, whether the Chamber of Industry and Commerce does something for society or not. GEZ is also due. In England, the USA or Canada you can set up an INC. or LTD yourself for $250 - without a lawyer, without any additional costs, without any deposit. If I go out to eat in the USA or Canada with a credit card - without any catering receipts, that's company costs and that's the end of it. In Germany, the government spends 100 million euros a year to check every receipt and, if necessary, deduct them from the costs. The cost-benefit factor is negative, plus the restaurants, which have never gotten back on their feet since the Covid shutdowns anyway, have significantly fewer guests. If I buy, lease or rent a car through the company in Canada, all costs can be written off directly and that's the end of it. No depreciation over 10 years, separation of private and business use, logbooks and the nonsense that is carried out AGAINST BUSINESSES by the STATE, which is paid for by us. If I or an employee go out to eat and the company pays for it - what's the problem? The problem is created and that's how it works with building permits and EVERYTHING in Germany. We will now see how things actually happen in the USA and how positively the economy will develop there. The enemy image of the USA under Trump is being conveyed here, but our policies are a defeat for all of us.

Do I want to be able to live safely and freely in prosperity in Germany and do I want that for my children too? Politics in Germany must change and so must the people who become politicians.


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