The state of AI in engineering

The state of AI in engineering

Use of #AI in engineering could lead to reduced human oversight, according to Professional Engineering readers and members of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) – and that's not their only concern. Cybersecurity, bias, jobs and the skills gap are also big worries.

Controls will be needed – more than half of respondents (54%) are uncomfortable with AI being used to make critical decisions in engineering projects, and 70% said it should be heavily regulated.

But it's not all doom and gloom – more than 3/5 of respondents feel positive about its introduction, and 52% believe AI tools will help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges, such as #netzero and #nuclearfusion.

And that roll-out is already well underway – more than 2/5 of respondents' organisations are already using AI or AI related tools, with plans to do so at a further 21%.

Read the full story – including how engineers are already using AI tools, their hopes and fears for the technology, and the skills that will be in demand – here:


