Startups need to get serious about HR compliance
Maslo Consulting
Increasing your competitive advantage by aligning strategy with people and culture.
Starting a startup is an incredible challenge, and it’s natural to want to take shortcuts that might save time or money. One of the most common mistakes startups make, however, isn’t just time or money related; it’s the shortcutting of HR policies and practices. That may seem like an insignificant detail, but it can have serious consequences that can harm your company and your team in the long term. To avoid these consequences and keep your employees happy, you need to make sure that everyone at your startup knows what they’re doing when it comes to HR policies and compliance.
Startup culture promotes risk-taking
In order to be competitive in the market, startups often have a culture of taking risks. This culture can lead to many things, including an unwillingness for management to invest time and money into HR policies and compliance. However, this can backfire if the company is found in violation of any labor laws, which can result in expensive lawsuits or even shutdowns.
Hiring process doesn’t allow for mistakes
At the onset of any employment, the hiring process doesn't allow for mistakes. Even if a candidate is not the right fit for the position, it's important that he or she has been given an opportunity to present their qualifications and experience. This will give them another chance at finding a job in the future. It's also important that potential employees are given time to ask questions about what their responsibilities will be or anything else they might have on their minds before making a decision on whether or not they want the job.
Low productivity leads to burnout
Burnout is a prevalent issue in the startup world. When you're working for an early-stage company, there's often no such thing as work-life balance. You're on call 24/7 and have to stay plugged in at all hours of the day or night. This can lead to high levels of stress and, eventually, burnout.
Startup owners feel like slaves
It's a tough world out there. You're trying to build your startup, but you feel like you're the only one putting in any time or money. You are constantly stressed, and no matter how hard you try, it just seems like things are never going well. It feels like you're always being pulled back into working on the business instead of being able to work ON the business. And worst of all, it feels like no one else cares about what happens with your company as much as you do!
Human Resources is viewed as unnecessary
In their pursuit of rapid growth, startups often neglect the idea of establishing an HR team and implementing a comprehensive set of policies and procedures. However, this is incredibly short-sighted and will eventually lead to costly litigation.?
Government regulations are too intrusive
One of the most common criticisms of government is that it's too intrusive and burdensome. Well, this criticism is just as valid for startups as it is for established companies. Startups are often so focused on developing their product or service and building market share that they overlook the importance of HR compliance. In other words, startups are failing to recognize the importance of investing time and money into policies and procedures (e.g., company handbook) that will help them maintain a happy workforce.
Many startups are understaffed and lack the time and money to invest in HR policies and compliance. However, it is important for management to work with HR to develop HR policies, train employees, and track compliance. Developing a comprehensive HR policy can be one of the most important steps for a startup. An HR policy can help establish expectations for all employees from day one.