When you think about being environmentally conscious, you would normally imagine yourself donating money to the WORLD WIDE FUNDATION, GREEN PEACE or any of the so many different organizations you may know or find popping out in little windows at the internet. Perhaps you saw a famous actor donating money to a specific organization to help mitigate forest fires in the amazons or more recently in Australia and you just emulate him and did the same.
By donating money to these organizations you found a great feeling of accomplishment and in the best case scenario a deductible tax bill, but… that is pretty much it.
These environmental organizations are very well organized, specialized in convincing governments to do stricter and reliable environmental laws, as well as conform programs for conservation purposes with indigenous people and doing research about the impact they are causing and the overall status of the situation every year. These past years’ statistics about it are not very encouraging though.
2019 amazons′ fire caused a larger damage in a few months compared to what all the organizations together could help safe in decades. Needles to say, if you decided to donate any money to that causa you could be pretty sure it was for NOTHING.
One night as I was looking the news, and listening about how, cattle growers, cash crops farmers and corrupt governments were to blame for the fires I had an epiphany. There has to be a concrete and realistic way to invest in saving the amazon rain forest and get a good ROI in the meantime.
At the begging, I thought it was just one of the thousand crazy ideas I stumble with every day. Few months have passed and I found myself writing this article thinking about the same yet in a more structured and calculated manner.
The funny thing is that I was pretty sure I was the only looney reasoning about it and I am happy to say that… I am not.
This is just the begging of the story, a story that interconnects environmental green land investment, re-forestation, sweet water reservoir holding, biopharmaceutical research and development, startup green sustainable facilities, bitcoin mining, green asset leverage and so many fintech accomplishments, my 2020 just got so much more exciting.