Startups - Expensive Lessons.
Susan Mwenda-Mulongoti [BEng.AZIM]
Head of Growth | Digital Marketing Consultant @ Savvypro Consulting Ltd
The good thing about starting a business with money is that you will have capital.
The bad thing about starting a business with a lot of capital is that your risk is higher…
There is always a learning curve and in that learning curve, you are bound to lose some money..'s part of the game
This is why I laugh when an entrepreneur refuses to invest in will still have to pay for those lessons...if not by investing in knowledge, it will be my making mistakes and losing some money.
The good thing about mistakes is that when you pay dearly for a mistake it's hard to forget it.
Just consider that tuition fee for business lessons from the school of hard knocks...
No receipt, no certificate, just more wisdom ????...
So I quit my job with a reasonable redundancy package…
I had capital…
So I just jumped right in.
After all, it's just business. I was just going to open a boutique.
How hard can it be?
I saw it being done at home, even participated in something and sell out.
You set up a shop, put up your goods, sell, collect the money, pay salaries etc...
Order more stuff and so on
You also need to know how to run and manage the business.
That was an expensive mistake…
If you have no experience, no experienced partner and no mentor or coach, starting a business with a lot of capital is a terrible idea…
Its a mistake.
One I hope I can help you to avoid.
There are 3 main areas of business, call them departments you need to pay attention to.
Download a free PDF that expand a bit on this...
Especially for those like me who did not get any kind of business education...even if you did, you might find these helpful.
Tomorrow, I will talk about my experience of failure in business and more.
On day 6, I will share about dealing with difficult know, the ones who can literally make your life a living hell...
Would you like to know what the 3 business department are
I invite you to join my club, the Hustle Nation Online Club…
If you are happy and satisfied with how your business is doing then this is not for you.
However, if you know you could do better...join my club.
There will be 3 main learning streams
1. Those getting started or starting over in business.
2. Those already running a business and want to manage it better, get more sales and grow.
3. Those who have grown but need to really master their marketing and turn it into a self-operating, automated sales and marketing machine through some advanced online marketing tools, concepts and strategies.
I have a promotion that is ending on 5th July, 2021...if you join by then and commit for at least 90 days, I will give you a list of bonuses to choose from.
After that, those bonuses have to be paid separately.
My club will give you access to all courses, frameworks, and a private group on Telegram
My commitment is to help you as much as I can whether you are starting out, starting over, trying to manage your current business, or setting up your online marketing so that it really grows your business.
With online marketing, there are many different parts but the ultimate goal is to setup a system that works like an automated sales and marketing machine for you.