The Startup Was a Success!
Eric Mahon
Inventory Analyst @ Infotree Global Solutions | Problem Solving, Analytical Skills, Communication
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood"
-Robert Frost
We all get to a place in our lives where we are not sure which way to turn; a fork in the road. Our habits tell us to go down the road that we have always walked. How does one change that mindset? How does one begin to take the path less traveled?
It is incredibly 'easy' to continue down the road we have always traveled, because it is safe. We know at the end of that road is the fruit in which we need to survive. However; in the most recent past going back a short few months, I have began to view life differently. What sort of legacy do I want to leave for my children? What kind of example do I want to set? These have weighed heavily, and I begin to realize that I need to indeed begin to take the road less traveled.
To this I owe my gratitude to my friend, coach, and business partner; Steve Coute. In the most uncertain timing, it was like something from a book or a movie. So jokingly, the stars had aligned, the sunshine came out, and the circumstances were 'meant to be.' Very seriously though, a quick conversation lead to the realization that there was more out there, and helping others was a way to make an impact so great, it would ripple.
On Saturday, November 13, 2021 we officially launched the startup to what will eventually become a legacy to look back on. Was there a major turnout? NO! Of course not, and of course the reason being is this...
A successful business is not built in a day, a month, or even a year. Consistency is key and we will remain consistent. The staggering statistics show why consistency in this business is crucial, not because we want to make a ton of money, NO; we want to actually help people not live in poverty.
If these statistics do not bother you and encourage you to speak to somebody about your position and how it can be improved, I am afraid these statistics will continue on. We can do better, and we all should do better for ourselves and those we leave behind. This is the reason why I chose this path.
It has been said that only about 1 in 4 individuals will be open to listen and make a positive change for their future. Based on the stats, that is easily believed. I was also listening to a motivational speech recently that said (paraphrasing) we are ok with spending 4 or 5 hundred dollars on a vehicle every month, but we are not ok with spending 4 to 5 hundred dollars on ourselves.
I would think once we reach the age where this is all relevant, we will be looking back and saying to ourselves we did it, or we wish we had done it. I am choosing the path to freedom rather than dependence. This will be a part of my story.
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
-Robert Frost
NIRS. (2020, January 13). New Report: 40% of Older Americans Rely Solely on Social Security for Retirement Income.