It Starts With Gold - Upcoming Book Release: Your Last Line of Defense
Adrian C. Spitters FCSI?, CFP?, CEA? President, Author, Private Wealth Advisor
I Execute Tax-Efficient Investment Portfolio Solutions So That Your Business, Family, And Estate Assets Are De-Risked And Protected Against Financial Risk, Economic Threats, Inflation And Higher Taxes.
Guest Contributor: Peter J. Merrick, TEP
When I finished The King of Main Street in its final edition in 2019, I thought it would be my last book. I had drained myself completely, mentally, emotionally, and physically. I believed I had nothing left to give. The world has since shifted in ways none of us could have imagined. Urgency replaced any sense of completion. This is not the time for complacency. It Starts With Gold is more than just a book. It is a wake-up call, a vital message that cannot be ignored.
Adrian C. Spitters FCSI?, CFP?, CEA? President, Author, Private Wealth Advisor and I did not come together to write another book for the sake of it. This is not about offering simple answers or quick fixes. This book is our attempt to reach as many people as possible who feel, deep down, that something is terribly wrong. We have uncovered disturbing truths that need to be shared. The goal is to offer proactive steps so you can protect yourself, de-risk your exposure, and navigate what is coming.
Normalcy bias is a silent threat, causing people to believe that life will continue as it always has. This is a dangerous illusion. The world is changing beneath our feet. Ignoring the signs will leave you vulnerable when the collapse occurs. The clock is ticking, and time to prepare is running out.
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It Starts With Gold is not the answer to everything. It is the beginning of a conversation. This book provides you with tools to ask the right questions and take action. The financial system is built on deception. Fiat currency, which has no intrinsic value, is a dangerous illusion. History has shown that empires built on such systems eventually fall. We are living through the final stages of this cycle.
Adrian and I wrote this book to share the disturbing discoveries we made. We also offer practical steps you can take to protect your assets and your future. The vast majority of people are blind to what is happening, but you do not have to be. We have spent years researching the hidden forces shaping the world today. This book reveals the unsettling truth, and ignoring it will come at a heavy cost.
Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has declared, “You will own nothing and be happy.” This is not a harmless prediction. Those in control will own everything, leaving you with nothing unless you act now. It Starts With Gold outlines the steps you must take to de-risk your life and thrive in the face of what is coming.
This is your wake-up call. It Starts With Gold!
Who is Peter J. Merrick, CFP, TEP?
Peter J. Merrick, TEP, is a Commentator, Keynote Speaker, and expert in US/ Canadian/International cross-border Estate Planning, insurance, and annuity Planning.
Over three decades, Peter specialized in de-risking and saving his clients up to 40% of their wealth that would have otherwise been paid out because of poor planning. These proven solutions effectively shelter income, reduce taxes on income and estates and defer or eliminate tax on investments and creditor-proof assets for domestic and international clients.
Peter is also an author.
Peter has written three comprehensive LexisNexis business, legal, tax, succession and estate planning textbooks. For 18 years, Peter wrote a column for LexisNexis called "The Bottom Line," one of the largest professional tax and accounting publications.?Peter was also a university and college finance and financial planning lecturer for over 12 years.
In 2019, Peter relocated to San Diego, California, from Toronto, Canada. Right now, he sees a number of wealth-saving opportunities resolving long-ignored issues for Canadians in corporate planning, cross-border US and international planning, financial, philanthropic, and estate planning implementation, utilizing Canadian/US Life Insurance and Canadian/US Annuity strategies.
Peter works with high-net-worth individuals and their legal, tax and financial professionals performing Canadian estate freezes and terminal tax planning, as well as those who seek to relocate to the US or have financial interests in the US from places like Canada and other national jurisdictions.
It is absolutely essential that you partner with and work with an expert familiar with the Canadian Income Tax Act, the IRS Tax Code, and US/International Tax Treaties before implementing any strategy in the areas of Canadian estate freezes, terminal tax planning, and cross-border planning.
If you are a professional advising a client who falls in this situation or if you personally have cross-border interests in the US and you want to review your situation, schedule an introduction to Peter J. Merrick by CLICKING HERE.
For more in-depth insights on de-risking your wealth, SUBSCRIBE to my colleague's LinkedIn Newsletter:
Learn more about Peter J. Merrick...
Adrian C. Spitters FCSI?, CFP?, CEA? President, Author, Private Wealth Advisor
I Execute Tax-Efficient Investment Portfolio Solutions So That Your Business, Family, And Estate Assets Are De-Risked And Protected Against Financial Risk, Economic Threats, Inflation And Higher Taxes.
#ItStartsWithGold #FinancialSecurity #AssetProtection #WealthPreservation #GoldInvestment #PrepareNow #StayInformed #ProtectYourAssets #WakeUpCall #DeRiskYourLife #NavigateTheFuture #FinancialTruth #HiddenForces #EconomicCollapse #NormalcyBias #Urgency #StayAhead #FiatCurrencyCrisis #TakeAction #OwnYourFuture