[JUST.a.SHOT] Peter Drucker once said, "Innovation opportunities do not come with the tempest but with the rustling of the breeze.”
Mr. Drucker is famous for his contributions to the development of organizational management, and has been described as “the founder of modern management". And innovation takes on many forms and on many levels. On a personal level, innovation may mean a new way of learning, a trigger for self-improvement, etc.
I was reading Audi’s “Join the League of Performance” brand book, holding the “Start-Never-Stop” keyring in my hand when a trigger for personal innovation came. In the book, there are sections on “Performance”, “Perfection” and “Passion”. In the “Performance” section, there’s a chapter with Tom Kristensen, who is in a league of his own. With 37 years experience in the motorsport industry, he is the most successful race driver at the revered "24hours of LeMans"; 9 wins total, 6 of them consecutive. People don’t call him Mr. LeMans for no reason. In addition, he also holds the record for the most wins at the “12 Hours of Sebring”, at a total of six. What incredible achievements!
The Start-Never-Stop keyring is a replica of the Start-Stop ignition button found in an Audi R8, which is another legend, from the moment it hit the streets back in 2006.
Why am I talking about this? Well, we often find the success of people of influence glamorous and inspiring, but to me, what drives them there is much more so. The determination, the relentlessness, the never-giving-up, and of course, the passion. So today, I’m writing about the inspiration I’m drawing from the little keyring, and along with the spread in Audi’s awesome story book.
Whatever you’re doing, or planning to do, NEVER STOP.
NEVER stop learning
NEVER stop progressing
and NEVER EVER give up.
I’ll do my best, Mr. LeMans. Thank you for inspiring us. And to Audi, our beloved brand, thank you for making history at every turn.
In the meantime, remember… aspire to inspire
Sincerely, Cedric Cheung.