Starting Your New Year Right:                
The 5 X 5 Review

Starting Your New Year Right: The 5 X 5 Review

As Christmas nears and the year ends, my hope for you is that you gift yourself quiet time to consider these 5 important questions. Brendon Burchard, my coach and mentor, taught me to step back at the end of each year and ask myself these thoughtful inquiries he calls the “Five by Five”. Give your answers to each of these 5 questions:

1. What 5 things I am grateful for in 2018? And what are 3 things I missed appreciating this year?

2. What 5 things did I struggle with the most this year? What is 1 way I could have handled each better?

3. What 5 things do I need to let go of, or forgive myself for, from 2018? Who else deserves some forgiveness or greater appreciation from me?

4. What 5 things did I achieve this year that I’m proud of? What are 3 more things I could have achieved if I had trusted myself more?

5. What are 5 things I’ll remind myself of that I can succeed at more in the next 12 months? What 3 things do I need someone else to tell me?

Give yourself the gift of introspection, surround yourself with quiet darkness and recognize more clearly the brilliance of your Light.

Happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas and Many blessings in the New Year!


