Starting the year fresh!
Have you set business goals for 2023, considering people plans and assessing yearly audits? Take a look back on the previous year to establish trends and key focuses for the year ahead.
We took a deeper dive into our top enquiries of 2022 and provide tips for employment documentation, managing disciplinaries, and grievances relating to bullying and harassment.
Also in this edition, our Health and Safety consultant Vicki chats through when to review health and safety risk assessments.
Did you know we provide a FREE audit of a business’ employment contract? Find out more below.
2022 in review
Our top 3 enquiries of 2022 are explained;
Such as employee contracts, employee handbooks, and the development of workplace policies.
3 tips for employment documentation
-?????All employment documentation should be kept including terminations
-?????Store documentation in a secure but accessible location, allowing senior management and HR manager to can access it when required
-?????Employees should sign an agreement relating to company policies and procedures indicating their understanding of requirements and company stance.?
Disciplinaries in the workplace
Guiding employers through disciplinaries in the workplace, ensuring proper procedures are followed.
6 tips for managing disciplinaries in the workplace;
-?????The possibility of disciplinary action must be communicated prior to the meeting.
-?????Keep records of all communication, taking notes during disciplinary meetings
-?????Be wary of written communications between those managing the disciplinary, especially if the employee’s name is mentioned (even initials). Emails and messages may be requested further down the line.
-?????Complete a full investigation to gather all the information
-?????The same person should not do the disciplinary and appeal hearing
-?????Consulting with an HR professional is highly recommended, especially an external HR consultant as they will be unbiased.
Download our resource on conducting a disciplinary investigation
Grievances in the workplace including reports of bullying and harassment was a top enquiry for us in 2022.
5 top tips for managing bullying and harassment grievances in the workplace
-?????Consult with an HR consultant to establish the correct procedure to proceed with
-?????Ensure you have all the relevant and necessary information available
-?????*IMPORTANT* keep records of all steps taken to reconcile the situation and actions taken by all parties involved
-?????Understand employee rights during these situations
-?????Review company policies and procedures, to establish what action should take place (this must be in line with employment laws.)
?Find out the importance of having employee handbooks for these incidents.
Is January the time to audit your risk assessments?
A Risk assessment defined in Health and safety terms is;
“A Careful examination of anything in your workplace that could cause people to suffer injury or ill health while they’re at work.”
Our Health and Safety consultant Vicki, talks us through when risk assessments should be reviewed;
We highly recommend annual reviews of all risk assessments, download your FREE Health and Safety Checklist today!
People plans for 2023
What is your business doing for people plans in 2023?
Training employees is a critical aspect of business growth. Has the business got people plans in place to train employees? 2023 may be the year to implement strategies for upskilling your employees.
Providing a 3-year roadmap for progression in the company, helps the employee see their career developing and helps with job satisfaction.
Equality and diversity can be incorporated into people plans, by looking at what the company can do to provide equal opportunities for all employees as well as completing an equal pay analysis.
Furthermore, companies need to consider how they can improve their mental health and well-being strategies in the workplace. Gen-Z are wanting to work with companies that invest in their employee’s mental health and by 2030 will make up 30% of the workforce.
FREE audit of your employment contract!
When was the last time you reviewed or audited your employment contract ensuring it was up to date with all the latest employment laws?
You know you could be leaving your business liable for tribunal cases, for example, ensuring to detail what constitutes gross misconduct. Another example can be the wording of bank holidays, which came to light for many companies this year, with the Queen’s Jubilee and Funeral being additional bank holidays. The King’s coronation is also an additional Bank Holiday for 2023.
Take advantage of our FREE Employment Contract audit today!