Starting Over
Take it back. Rewind. Start again…Sometimes, we have to slow down and start over. Sounds scary, right? When we hear that we have to start over, we think about the pain we endured. We remember how we felt fighting through the growing pains we experienced. So, when faced with having to start over, the initial answer is: NO! I get it. The idea of starting over can be daunting. Not only do we fear losing familiarity and comfort, but we also fear the unknown. How do we know we will find the level of comfort again? How can we be sure of the future? We can't. But sometimes, starting over is necessary to grow, learn new things, and find happiness and fulfillment. And there it is…going back to the basics develops a solid foundation to build your happiness.
One of the biggest fears people have about starting over is the fear of failure. We want to avoid any reality of failure. Doubts will keep us from starting a new position or job, moving, or building new relationships. It's natural to be afraid of failure. It doesn't feel good. But it is necessary; it is a part of the learning experience. The key is to learn from our failures and use them as opportunities for improvement. That's right! You won't always get it right. It won't always feel like a "win." But what do you do with the experience? Learn from it. Grow from it. That is the real "win."
As mentioned before, the unknown can be frightening. We don't know what to expect when we're starting something new. We don't know if we'll like it, if we'll be good at it, or how long it will take to get good. Fearing the unknown can be paralyzing. But just like a coin has two sides, we can perceive the opportunity before us the same. Yes, the unknown can be exciting. Starting over allows us to explore new things, meet new people, and learn more about ourselves. Can you recall a time you surprised yourself by accomplishing something you initially couldn't imagine? How great was that feeling? The unknown is the journey to that feeling. Embracing the unknown can be scary, but it can also be incredibly rewarding.
One of the most challenging things about this process is leaving behind what's familiar and comfortable to us. We may not be in the best circumstances or be where we want to be. Even that becomes comfortable after a while. We get used to our routines, our relationships, and our surroundings. The thought of losing or leaving all of that behind can be overwhelming. But what is the alternative? Stifling ourselves, being held back from achieving our full potential? If we choose to hold onto all that we currently know, we miss the opportunity to cultivate the life we truly want to live. But we must be willing to break out of that comfort zone and pursue what we do not know.
Starting over doesn't mean we have to do it alone. We can seek support from friends, family, and even professionals. Talking about our fears and concerns can help us gain perspective and feel more confident about our decision to start over. We may even find that someone has gone through similar experiences and offer advice. All in all, the fear of starting over is understandable. We can't let it hold us back from pursuing our dreams and finding happiness. Starting over is our chance for growth, learning, and self-discovery. It's an opportunity to create a life that truly reflects who we are and what we want. Don't get stuck in a rut, don't be afraid to take that first step! It may be scary, but it could be the best decision you ever make. I don't know about you, but I'm going for my "win."?