Many people set “resolutions” or goals for a New Year.?Most often these goals or resolutions center around losing weight, getting fit or “in shape” and generally trying to live a healthier life.?There are many approaches to living a healthier lifestyle – but what do we really know about what works???
The National Weight Loss Control Registry (NWCR) has collected information from over 4,000 individuals who have been successful at long-term weight loss and have maintained that weight loss for over 5 years.?The average person in the registry has lost 73 pounds and they’ve kept it off.?This data gives us insight into the most successful behaviors for long-term weight loss success.
Here is what they’ve learned:
- The vast majority of people who’ve been successful in long-term weight loss have used a combination of both exercise and diet changes.??This is an example of 1 + 1 = more than 2.?It turns out that walking is the favorite activity – with the average person in the registry walking about 1 hour per day.?
- Eat breakfast every single day.?This tamps down hunger.?
- Be faithful about tracking your weight.?This keeps you honest about results, reduces denial and allows for quick course correction if the scale is moving in the wrong direction.?
- Avoid the couch!?Most successful weight losers spend less than 10 hours per week on screen time outside of work – or about 1 hour a day.?Get up off the couch and get moving.?
- Eat a Low-calorie, Low-fat Diet.??Fill up on fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.?
- Keep your eating habits consistent – eat the same on weekends as you do on weekdays.?
In addition to this real world data, this is a partial list of the resolutions or intentions of some of our KVH employees have made for 2022.?Maybe this list will inspire you to take small steps in the direction of good health and well-being in this New Year:
- To be more active.?Work on how sedentary I’ve become since taking a desk job.
- Work on my own mental well-being - instead of always taking care of others.
- Gain muscle strength.?Be able to hike, cross-country ski and be flexible as I age.
- Work on my portion sizes and increasing my activity.
- This is going to be my year of transformation.
- Make time to read books, pursue hobbies and take time to write.
- Focus on the things I can change and let go of the rest.
- To save money for a down payment on a house. ?
- Stronger communication with my family.
- Try snowshoeing and paddle boarding.
- Strive to be more patient and non-judgmental with family, co-workers and patients.
- To be nicer and smile more.
- Talk less and listen more.
- To add strength training to my workout routine.
- Keep a joyful spirit!?