Starting an HR Revolution

Starting an HR Revolution

Hi all subscribers. Thanks so much for being a part of my journey and my efforts to start an HR Revolution!

For many years, I have been interested in developing training in analytical business skills for Human Resources. HR is the program manager of 20-30% of fixed costs within an organization and heavily influences the efficiency of spending. IMO, HR Operations needs an upgrade to a true business level department with heavy influence on revenue through their management of workforce expenses. But we ignore our opportunity to have a voice and gain power.

My goal is to start a revolution where HR is armed with the business skills commonly used by Finance and IT, only reinterpreted to focus on Human Resources questions, projects, goals and analytics. And I'm excited to announce the revolution is taking a serious step forward - in partnership with the HR Houston SHRM Chapter - the launch of education focused on HR Strategy and real-world application using analytical tools and methods. This is part of the journey of developing human capital risk management as a discipline and I am over the moon excited!

Here's the backstory. I have often presented or attended HR/HR Tech conferences. I enjoy the networking, camaraderie and education and I was always excited to present and teach. For the last couple of years, the SHRM Chapter HR Houston and I have been trying to provide a presentation on HR Strategy. I have been studying HR Operations and Strategy for 20 years and developing Human Capital Risk Management for the last 10 years. I want to start sharing my insights and the knowledge I have gained from clients with my HR colleagues. But the pandemic had long residual effects and we kept running into obstacles - until November 2022.

In November, we delivered the first HR Strategy webinar to 100+ attendees. Feedback on the content was overwhelming! On a scale of 1-5, 97% rated the content at a 4 or 5 based on 63 session feedbacks, 97% rated the usefulness of the information at 4 or 5, and 98% rated the quality of the presentation at a 4 or 5. Well, this was a big message to me and so rewarding! It seems I had finally found a way to translate my geeky analytical voice to an audience.

Fast forward and HR Houston and I are continuing to work together to bring this valuable content to you. I will be presenting twice at the Gulf Coast Symposium ( on July 12, 2023. And HR Houston and HRPMO are partnering to offer a 2-day Seminar on HR Strategy on October 4-5, 2023 in Houston in the Meetings on Pointe Training Room - and all content will be HRCI/SHRM certified for strategic credit. A link to the seminar will be posted soon on HR Houston's website.

As a results of all of this wonderful activity, this newsletter is being folded into a new LinkedIn newsletter - HR Strategy Roadmap - so I can be more consistent and focused. If you haven't subscribed to that newsletter, remove this one and subscribe to HR Strategy Roadmaps.

If you are interested in a webinar for your internal HR team or for your local HR chapter, please contact me via LinkedIn. I'm ready to spread the word, the skills, and the training to upgrade HR to strategic partner:)


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