Starting holidays exhausted? Let's change that!
I find it funny how before going on holidays, we go on fifth gear to finish every little task, and then when we are finally on holidays, in most cases, we get really sick or it takes so long to feel deeply rested. We spend holidays recovering, and when we are back, it’s like we never were on holidays. And the loop continues!
I was so overworked and exhausted when my family visited, that I swore never to repeat this again! This was a good lesson learned and an inspiration to write this article!
We've all been there, right? The mad dash to clear our desks, respond to every last email, and tie up loose ends before we can even think about relaxing. It's almost as if we believe we need to earn our time off by burning ourselves out beforehand. It not only affects us but anyone around us. We are irritable, tired, not willing to do much!
But what if we could change this pattern? What if we could start our holidays relaxed and actually return rejuvenated? Something can be done ;-)
1. Plan Ahead, Pace Yourself
Let's start by acknowledging that not everything needs to be done immediately before we leave. Prioritize tasks and spread them out over the weeks leading up to our vacation. By pacing ourselves, we can avoid that last-minute frenzy that often leads to burnout and sickness. Maybe we can delegate some tasks or simply accept that some things can wait until we return.??As I have some weekly obligations like this newsletter (not that the world would end if I miss a week), I wrote the articles ahead and scheduled different posts.
2. Build a Buffer
Instead of working up to the last possible minute, let’s create a buffer day or two before our holiday starts. Use this time to wind down, pack without stress, and transition mentally from work mode to vacation mode. This buffer can make a significant difference in how we start our holiday. I love the buffer time to not feel in a rush, connect to self, take a breather and switch to holiday spirit.
3. Stay Healthy Before and During
And always ;-) When we're stressed, our immune system takes a hit, making us more susceptible to illness. What would it take to committing to taking better care of ourselves? Regular exercise, balanced meals, adequate sleep, and stress-reducing activities like walks in nature. Once on holiday, let's not abandon these habits. Sure, indulge a little – it’s a holiday, after all – but maintaining some healthy routines can keep us feeling good.
4. Disconnect to Reconnect
The temptation to stay connected to work can be strong (especially when we are entrepreneurs). However, true relaxation comes from unplugging. Setting clear boundaries with our colleagues about our availability (or lack thereof) during our time off is necessary. By disconnecting from work emails and calls, we give ourselves the mental space to fully enjoy our break and return recharged.
5. Slow Down
Often, our holidays are packed with activities, sightseeing, and a checklist of things to do and see. Instead, let’s try slowing down. Incorporate leisure and downtime into our travel itinerary. Sometimes, the best holiday moments come from a relaxed stroll, a quiet morning tea or coffee, or simply doing nothing at all.
6. Reflect and Adjust
After our holiday, it is good to take some time to reflect. It doesn't need to be a big facilitation workshop around this but simply a tiny moment of reflection: How am I feeling? Did I return feeling rested or still exhausted? What worked well, and what didn’t? By reviewing our experiences, we can make adjustments for next time. Maybe we need more buffer days, or perhaps we need to say no to certain pre-holiday tasks. Every holiday is a learning opportunity as everything else (dah ;-).
Breaking the cycle of pre-holiday burnout and holiday illness isn’t easy, but it’s possible. Let’s give ourselves permission to truly relax and come back to our lives feeling refreshed and ready, rather than tired and weary. Here’s to better holidays and healthier returns!