


Discord, Türkiye’de eri?ime engellendi

Oyuncular?n sesli sohbet ihtiya?lar?na yeni bir soluk olmak i?in kurulan ve popülerlik kazanmas?n?n ard?ndan her hobiden toplulu?un bir araya geldi?i bir platforma d?nü?en Discord, bugün gece saatlerinde Ankara 1. Sulh Ceza Hakimli?i taraf?ndan al?nan karar kapsam?nda eri?ime engellendi.

?ülkemizde giri?imler taraf?ndan Slack'e alternatif bir i? ak?? ve ileti?im platformu olarak da kullan?lan Discord, ge?ti?imiz hafta ülkemizde ya?anan kad?n cinayetlerinin ard?ndan gündemin merkezine oturan platformlardan biri olmu?tu. Platformun kredi kart? h?rs?zl???, ?antaj ve siber zorbal?k gibi ama?larla belirli kapal? topluluklar taraf?ndan kullan?ld??? tespit edilmi?ti.

?Red Dead Redemption ?n sipari?e a??ld?: Fiyat? belli oldu

Rockstar Games’in 2010’de konsollara ?zel olarak piyasaya sürdü?ü Red Dead Redemption tam 14 y?l sonra PC i?in geliyor. Stüdyo ge?ti?imiz günlerde oyunun tan?t?m?n? yaparken, ??k?? tarihi ve tam olarak neler sunaca??na dair bir?ok ayr?nt?y? payla?t?. Peki, RDR PC versiyonu ne kadardan sat?lacak?

?Red Dead Redemption, Steam, Epic Games Store ve Rockstar Store üzerinden ?n sipari?e a??ld? ve fiyat? resmen belli oldu. Buna g?re oyun, Epic Games Store’da 1.749 TL ve Steam’de ise 49,99 dolardan (1.714 TL) oyunculara sunulacak.


Football Manager 25’ten oyuncular? üzecek haber geldi

Football Manager 25 i?in üzücü bir haber geldi. Sports Interactive ve Sega, oyunun ??k?? tarihini Mart 2025’e erteleyerek, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox ve Nintendo Switch platformlar?ndaki futbolseverleri hayal k?r?kl???na u?ratt?.

Football Manager 25’in ??k?? tarihi, Sports Interactive ve Sega taraf?ndan Mart 2025’e ertelendi. Oyuncular, 26 Kas?m’da PC, PlayStation 5 ve Xbox i?in, 3 Aral?k’ta ise Nintendo Switch i?in planlanan ??k?? tarihini heyecanla bekliyordu.


Nintendo, yeni e?lence ürününü tan?tt?

Nintendo, Switch 2 beklentilerini bir kenara b?rakarak “ak?ll?” ?alar saat modelini g?rücüye ??kard?. Nintendo Sesli Saat Alarmo isimli aksesuar, oyunseverlerin ?irketten Switch 2 konsolunu bekledi?i bir d?nemde gelmesiyle ?a??rtt?.

?alar saati, standart modellerden ay?ran en ?nemli ?zellik ise hareket alg?lama yetene?i olacak gibi duruyor. Buna g?re cihaz, yataktaki hareketlerinizi alg?layarak alarm seslerini ayarlayabilecek. Hatta yataktan kalkt???n?zda kutlama müzi?i ?alarak erteleme dü?mesine basman?z? engelliyor.


Liste kar??t?! Steam Türkiye’de en ?ok satan oyunlar belli oldu

?En popüler dijital oyun ma?azas? Steam, Türkiye’de en ?ok satan oyunlar? a??klad?. Bir ?neri listesi olarak g?rülebilecek bu s?ralaman?n zirvesinde Valve’?n geli?tiricisi oldu?u FPS oyunu yer ald?.

??te Steam ?ok satanlar; Steam taraf?ndan payla??lan listeye bakt???m?zda Counter-Strike 2’yi birinci s?rada g?rüyoruz. Onu Electronic Arts taraf?ndan piyasaya sürülen EA SPORTS FC 25 takip etti. 1 Ekim’de ??k?? yapan THRONE AND LIBERTY ise ü?üncü s?raya ad?n? yazd?rd?.


?Detroit: Become Human alt? y?l?n ard?ndan rekor k?r?yor

?Quantic Dream taraf?ndan geli?tirilen ve 2018 y?l?nda piyasaya sürülen Detroit: Become Human, dikkat ?eken bir ba?ar?ya imza atarak 10 milyon sat?? rakam?na ula?t?. Bu da oyunun alt? y?l sonra sat??lar? sallamay? ba?ard???n? g?steriyor.

Detroit: Become Human, 2018’deki ilk ??k???ndan bu yana 10 milyon sat?? rakam?na ula?m?? durumda. Quantic Dream’in sevilen bilim kurgu-gerilim oyunu; Detroit ?ehrindeki Android‘lerin bilin? kazanmas?n? konu al?yordu. Oyuncular, farkl? Android karakterlerini kontrol ederek hikayeyi etkileyen se?imler yap?yordu. Buna g?re insanl?k, ?zgür irade ve sivil haklar gibi temalar? ke?fediyorlard?. 10 milyon sat?? rakam? ise bu alandaki bir oyunun y?llar sonra bir ilke imza att???n? g?steriyor.


Epic Games vs. Google davas?nda karar ??kt?: Kim kazand?

?Son y?llarda oyunlar?na ve Unreal Engine motoruna verdi?i eme?in katbekat fazlas?n? yasal süre?lere ay?rmak durumunda kalan Epic Games, ayn? anda hem Google hem Samsung, hem de Apple ile büyük bir sava?a girmi?ti. Bu sava?ta Epic, ilk zaferini Google kar??s?nda kazanm?? gibi g?rünüyor.

Epic Games ve Google aras?ndaki davada ABD’li Yarg?? James Donato, Google’?n Play Store üzerindeki tekelini k?racak ?nemli bir karara imza att?. Karar uyar?nca Google, 2025 y?l?ndan itibaren rakip uygulama ma?azalar?n?n ve ?deme sistemlerinin Android cihazlarda kullan?lmas?na izin vermek zorunda kalacak.Yarg?? Donato’nun karar?, Google’?n Play Store’daki hakimiyetini k?tüye kulland???n? ve rekabeti engelledi?ini vurgulayarak, ?irketi ?nemli de?i?iklikler yapmaya zorluyor. Bu de?i?iklikler aras?nda, kullan?c?lar?n ü?üncü taraf uygulama ma?azalar?n? kolayca yükleyebilmesi ve geli?tiricilerin alternatif ?deme sistemleri sunabilmesi yer al?yor.


??flas?n e?i?indeki Ubisoft sat?lacak m?? A??klama geldi

Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, Watch Dogs ve dahas?. Oyun dünyas?n?n dev isimlerinden Ubisoft, son d?nemde finansal sorunlarla gündemde. ?zellikle dü?en hisseleri ve büyük paralar yat?rd??? son oyunlar?ndan istedi?i verimi alamayan Fransa merkezli stüdyo belini bir türlü do?rultamad?. Hatta son d?nemde ortaya ??kan baz? raporlar, ?irketin Tencent Games’e sat?laca??n? iddia etti. Peki, bu iddialar ger?ek mi? Ubisoft’ta neler oluyor?

Ubisoft, son d?nemde ortaya ??kan Tencent Games iddialar?na kapal? bir ?ekilde yan?t verdi. Frans?z oyun stüdyosu, halihaz?rda ?irkette yakla??k yüzde 10’luk bir hisseye sahip ?inli ?irkete sat?laca??n? do?rulamasa da, ”Payda?lar?n?n ??karlar? do?rultusunda tüm stratejik se?eneklerini düzenli olarak g?zden ge?iriyoruz ve uygun oldu?unda piyasay? bilgilendirece?iz” ifadelerini kulland?.


Apple’dan oyunseverlere jest! Kontrolcü deste?i geldi

Apple, mobil cihaz dünyas?ndaki etkisini yaln?zca günlük kullan?mda de?il, oyun taraf?nda da gü?lendirmeye kararl?. iOS 18, iPadOS 18 ve macOS Sequoia güncellemeleriyle gelen en dikkat ?ekici yeniliklerden biri, kablolu Xbox kontrolcü deste?i oldu. Peki, tam olarak nas?l bir fayda sa?layacak?

Bugüne kadar Apple cihazlar?nda oyun oynarken, Bluetooth üzerinden kablosuz Xbox kontrolcüsü kullanmak mümkündü. Ancak kablosuz ba?lant? bazen gecikmelere ve karars?zl?klara yol a?abiliyordu. Apple’?n yeni kablolu kontrolcü deste?iyle, art?k oyuncular daha dü?ük gecikme süresiyle ?ok daha ak?c? bir ?ekilde oyunlar oynayabilecek. Kablolu kontrolcü deste?inin, ?zellikle hassasiyeti yüksek oyunlarda büyük bir avantaj sa?lad???n? s?yleyebiliriz.

Bu ne h?z! Sony’den gizli PlayStation 6 tan?t?m?

PlayStation 5 Pro’nun piyasaya sürülmesinin üzerinden henüz ?ok zaman ge?memi?ken, Sony’nin bir sonraki konsoluyla ilgili ?nemli s?ylentiler ortaya ??kt?. Buna g?re Sony, PlayStation 6 prototipini Tokyo Game Show’da g?stermi? olabilir. ?irketin se?ili ortaklar?na gizlilik anla?mas?yla birlikte PS6’y? tan?tt??? belirtildi.

?Sony, yeni PlayStation konsolu hakk?nda beklenenden daha erken bir ?n g?sterim yapm?? olabilir. Gazeteci Anton Logvinov’a g?re ?irket; ge?ti?imiz haftalarda düzenlenen Tokyo Game Show’da ?e?itli ortaklar?na PlayStation 6 prototipini sergiledi.Sony, PS6 hakk?nda henüz resmi bir a??klama yapmad?. Ancak ?irketin yeni konsolu do?rulad??? ve prototip versiyonu sergiledi?i iddia edildi. Tabii Sony’nin prototiple ?al??an herhangi bir PS6 oyunu g?sterip g?stermedi?i ise bilinmiyor.



?Discord Blocked in Turkey

Discord, initially launched to serve gamers' voice chat needs, has grown into a platform where communities from all kinds of hobbies come together. However, as of tonight, the platform has been blocked in Turkey following a decision by Ankara’s 1st Criminal Court of Peace.

In Turkey, Discord was also used by startups as an alternative to Slack for workflow and communication. Last week, the platform became a topic of national discussion after a series of femicides, where it was revealed that some closed groups were using Discord for illegal activities such as credit card fraud, blackmail, and cyberbullying.


Red Dead Redemption Now Available for Pre-Order: Price Revealed

Rockstar Games’ 2010 console-exclusive Red Dead Redemption is finally coming to PC after 14 years. The studio recently unveiled details about the game’s release date and what players can expect from the PC version. So, how much will the PC version of RDRcost?

Red Dead Redemption is now available for pre-order on Steam, Epic Games Store, and Rockstar Store. The game is priced at 1,749 TL on the Epic Games Store and 49.99 USD (approximately 1,714 TL) on Steam.


? Disappointing News for Football Manager 25 Fans

Sad news has arrived for Football Manager 25. Sports Interactive and Sega have postponed the game's release date to March 2025, disappointing football fans on PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch.

Football Manager 25 was originally set to launch on November 26 for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox, and on December 3 for Nintendo Switch. However, the release has now been delayed until March 2025.


Nintendo Unveils New Entertainment Product

Nintendo has set aside expectations for the Switch 2 and instead revealed a “smart” alarm clock model. The new accessory, named Nintendo Voice Alarm Clock Alarmo, surprised fans who were eagerly awaiting the Switch 2 console.

What sets this alarm clock apart from standard models is its motion-sensing capability. The device can adjust alarm sounds based on your movements in bed, and even plays celebratory music when you get up, preventing you from hitting the snooze button.


The List is Out! Top-Selling Games on Steam Turkey Revealed

Steam, the most popular digital game store, has announced the top-selling games in Turkey. This ranking, which can be seen as a recommendation list, is topped by Valve's FPS game. Here’s the breakdown:

According to the list shared by Steam, Counter-Strike 2 holds the top spot. It is followed by EA SPORTS FC 25, released by Electronic Arts. THRONE AND LIBERTY, which launched on October 1st, secured the third position.


Detroit: Become Human Breaks Records Six Years After Launch

Developed by Quantic Dream and released in 2018, Detroit: Become Human has achieved a remarkable milestone by reaching 10 million sales, proving its continued success even six years after its launch.

Since its debut in 2018, Detroit: Become Human has hit 10 million sales. Quantic Dream’s beloved sci-fi thriller explores the story of androids gaining consciousness in the city of Detroit. Players control various android characters, making choices that shape the narrative and explore themes like humanity, free will, and civil rights. Reaching 10 million sales is a significant achievement, marking a rare feat for a game this long after its release.


Decision in Epic Games vs. Google Case: Who Won?

In recent years, Epic Games has been forced to dedicate more effort to legal battles than to its games and Unreal Engine. The company has been engaged in major battles against Google, Samsung, and Apple simultaneously. In this fight, it seems that Epic has achieved its first victory against Google.

In the case between Epic Games and Google, U.S. Judge James Donato made a significant ruling aimed at breaking Google’s monopoly on the Play Store. According to the decision, starting in 2025, Google will have to allow competing app stores and payment systems to be used on Android devices. Judge Donato's ruling emphasized that Google has abused its dominance on the Play Store and stifled competition, forcing the company to implement significant changes. These changes will include enabling users to easily install third-party app stores and allowing developers to offer alternative payment systems.


Will Ubisoft, on the Brink of Bankruptcy, Be Sold? Statement Released

Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, Watch Dogs, and more. Ubisoft, one of the giants in the gaming world, has recently been in the spotlight due to financial troubles. The France-based studio has struggled to recover, particularly with its plummeting stock prices and disappointing returns from its recent investments in games. Some recent reports even claim that the company will be sold to Tencent Games. So, what’s really happening at Ubisoft?

Ubisoft has responded to the recent Tencent Games rumors in a somewhat ambiguous manner. While the French game studio did not confirm that it will be sold to the Chinese company, which currently holds approximately 10% of its shares, it stated, “We regularly review all strategic options in line with the interests of our stakeholders and will inform the market when appropriate.”


Apple Gives Gamers a Treat! Controller Support Now Available

Apple is determined to strengthen its impact in the mobile device world not only for daily use but also in gaming. One of the most notable innovations in the iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia updates is the support for wired Xbox controllers. So, what benefits will this provide?

Until now, it has been possible to use a wireless Xbox controller via Bluetooth while gaming on Apple devices. However, this wireless connection sometimes led to delays and instability. With Apple’s new wired controller support, players can now enjoy a much smoother gaming experience with lower latency. We can say that the wired controller support offers a significant advantage, especially in high-precision games.

What Speed! Sony's Secret PlayStation 6 Reveal

Not long after the release of the PlayStation 5 Pro, significant rumors have emerged regarding Sony's next console. According to reports, Sony may have showcased a prototype of the PlayStation 6 at the Tokyo Game Show. It is said that the company introduced the PS6 to selected partners under a confidentiality agreement.

Sony may have provided an earlier preview of the new PlayStation console than expected. Journalist Anton Logvinov reported that the company exhibited the PlayStation 6 prototype to various partners at the Tokyo Game Show held in recent weeks. Sony has not yet made an official statement about the PS6. However, it is claimed that the company has confirmed the new console and showcased its prototype version. It remains unclear whether Sony displayed any games running on this prototype PS6.



Semih OKUR

Founder at Noko Games ~ a StartGate Company

5 个月



