


Epic Games ?imdi de Mobilde ücretsiz Oyun Verecek

Epic Games, popüler ücretsiz oyun kampanyas?n? bu y?l?n sonlar?nda mobil cihazlara ta??yaca??n? duyurdu. PC’de her hafta ücretsiz oyunlar sunan program; Epic Games Store’u büyütmede büyük rol oynad?. ?imdi de mobil ma?azada ge?erli olacak.

Unreal Fest etkinli?inde konu?an Epic Games Store CEO’su Steve Allison, mobil ma?azan?n yol haritas?n? a??klad?. Allison, bu y?l?n d?rdüncü ?eyre?inde Epic’in ma?azas?nda ilk kez ü?üncü taraf mobil oyunlar sunmaya ba?layaca??n? s?yledi. ?lk a?amada 10 ila 50 aras?nda oyunun bulunaca??n? tahmin ediyor.


Black Myth: Wukong Bir Ayda Rekor Sat??a Ula?t?

Tokyo Game Show etkinli?i s?ras?nda Black Myth: Wukong oyununun yay?nland??? ilk ayda rekor sat??a ula?t??? a??kland?. 20 A?ustos ile 20 Eylül aras?nda oyunun 20 milyon kopyaya ula?t??? belirtildi. K?sa süre i?inde ilgi oda?? haline gelen ve oyunseverlerin adeta g?zdesi konumunda olan oyun, etkileyici sat?? ba?ar?s?yla dikkatleri üzerinde toplad?.


FromSoftware’in hem konsol hem de PC nesli i?in piyasaya sürülen oyunu Elden Ring, yay?nland?ktan bir y?l sonra 20 milyon kopyaya ula?t?. Warner Bros. Games’in geli?tirdi?i, 2023 y?l?n?n en ?ok satan oyunu olan Hogwarts Legacy, piyasaya sürüldükten 11 ay sonra 22 milyona ula?t?. Bu iki oyundan daha iyi bir sat?? grafi?i yakalayan Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom ise May?s ay?nda Nintendo Switch kullan?c?lar?na sunularak alt? ayda 20 milyon kopyaya ula?t?.


Discord Aktiviteleri, Platformda Oyun Yapmak ?steyen Tüm Geli?tiricilere A??l?yor

Discord, mesajla?ma platformunda oyun, müzik deneyimleri ve di?er etkile?imli e?lenceler olu?turup yay?nlamalar?na olanak tan?yan Discord Etkinlikleri ?zelli?ini tüm geli?tiricilere a?t?.

?irket, ABD, ?ngiltere ve AB'deki geli?tiricilere masaüstünde uygulama i?i sat?n al?mlar ve abonelikler de dahil olmak üzere yeni para kazanma ?zellikleri a?t?. Etkinlik geli?tiricileri art?k Dayan?kl? SKU'lar, Tüketilebilir SKU'lar ve analiz ara?lar? gibi mevcut birinci s?n?f uygulama para kazanma ?zelliklerini de kullanabilir. Yak?nda ?zellik setini daha fazla b?lgeye a?may? hedefliyor.


Kojima'n?n Yeni Oyunu “OD” Hi?bir Oyuna Benzemeyecekmi?


Hideo Kojima'n?n yeni oyunu OD hakk?nda henüz hi?bir detay bilmiyor olsak da ünlü yap?mc? her f?rsatta oyunun ne kadar farkl? oldu?unu dile getirmeye devam ediyor. Tokyo Game Show fuar?nda Death Stranding 2'nin yeni detaylar? ile kar??m?za ??kan ünlü yap?mc?, yeni oyunu hakk?nda birka? kelam etmi?.

“Bu bir oyun ama ba?ka hi?bir oyuna benzemiyor” diyen Kojima, s?zlerine ?u ?ekilde devam etmi?. “?ok fazla ayr?nt?ya giremem ve a??klamas? da zor ama biraz riskli ve benim i?in oyun dünyas?nda yeni bir meydan okuma.”



Death Stranding 2 ??k?? Tarihi Hakk?nda Yeni A??klama


Death Stranding 2 ??k?? tarihi konusunda nihayet yeni bir a??klama geldi ve ünlü oyun yap?mc?s? Hideo Kojima daha ?nce belirtildi?i gibi bir kez daha 2025 y?l?n? i?aret etti. Tokyo Game Show fuar?nda bir?ok videosu da yay?nlanan Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, Kojima'n?n s?ylemine g?re hala 2025 y?l? i?in planlan?yor, fakat net ??k?? tarihi yine de ?nümüzdeki y?l verilecek.

Tokyo Game Show'da Foto?raf Modundan yeni sahnelere ve karakterlerin tan?t?m?na kadar bir?ok detay? belli olan oyun hakk?nda konu?an Kojima, “?ng?rülemeyen ko?ullar” kozunu kullanmay? da ihmal etmemi?. Yani bir aksilik ya?anmas? durumunda bu ??k?? tarihi daha ileri bir d?neme kayabilir.


Deadlock ??in ?lgin? Bir Hile Kar??t? ?nlem Yay?nland?: Hileci, Kurba?aya D?nü?üyor


Deadlock oyununda hile yapanlar, art?k oyuncular taraf?ndan kurba?aya ?evrilebiliyor. Geli?tirici Valve'in adeta Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike gibi ?nceki oyunlar?ndan bire kar???m sunan kahraman ni?anc? oyunu Deadlock, ge?ti?imiz günlerde ald??? güncelleme sonras? büyük ses getirdi. Bu ba?lamda yay?nlanan yeni yamada hile kar??t? farkl? ?nlemler bulunuyor: ?rne?in bir hileciyi kurba?aya d?nü?türmek gibi. Ma? esnas?nda bir hileciyi tespit eden oyuncular, onu isterlerse oyundan atabiliyor isterlerse de ma??n sonuna kadar kurba?a ?evirebiliyor.


NVIDIA RTX 5090 ?zellikleri Ortaya ??kt?. ?ddialar Do?ruysa Fiyat? ?a??rtabilir


NVidia'n?n yeni grafik kart? serisi i?in merakl? bekleyi? devam ederken iddialara g?re NVidia RTX 5090 ?zellikleri ve fiyat? belli oldu. Daha ?nce yapt??? bir?ok s?z?nt? do?ru ??kan 'kopite7kimi' isimli X/Twitter kullan?c?s?, RTX 5090 ile ilgili baz? bilgiler payla?t?.

?ddialara g?re yeni NVIDIA GPU'su olan NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 ?zellikleri k?sm?nda dikkat ?eken ilk detay gerektirdi?i Watt gücünün bir hayli artmas?. ?ddiaya g?re yeni grafik kart? 600W gerektirecek. Di?er taraftan grafik kart?n?n 512-bit bant geni?li?i veri yoluna sahip 32GB GDDR7'ye sahip olaca?? da gelen bilgiler aras?nda.Di?er taraftan 2025 y?l?nda ??kmas? ?n g?rülen RTX 4090 serisinin 1700 dolar gibi bir fiyata sahip olaca?? da gelen iddialar aras?nda. Tabi tüm bu bilgilerin ger?ek olup olmad???n? bize zaman g?sterecek.


CS2 ??in Kritik Güncelleme! CS:GO ?zelli?i Geri Geldi

Counter-Strike 2 i?in gelen yeni güncellemenin en dikkat ?ekici yenili?i charm’lar oldu. Yani silahlar?n?za ekleyebilece?iniz ufak aksesuarlar. Ancak bu charm’lar? kullan?rken dikkatli olmak gerekiyor. ?ünkü charm’? bir kez silah?n?za eklediniz mi, tekrar ??karmak dü?ündü?ünüz kadar basit de?il. Charm ??karmak i?in verilen ü? ücretsiz hak var, sonras?nda ekstra haklar i?in cüzdan?n?z? a?man?z gerekebilir.

The Armory, kozmetik kazanmak i?in oyunculara kredi biriktirme imkan? sunuyor. Kredi kazanmak i?in Armory Pass sat?n al?p oyun oynad?k?a ?düller kazan?yorsunuz. Charm’lar bu ?düllerin en g?zdesi olsa da, onlar? kullan?rken dikkatli dü?ünmekte fayda var. ?ünkü silah?n?za yak??t?ramad???n?z bir charm’? ??kar?p ba?ka bir tane eklemek, sizi beklenmedik bir masrafa sokabilir.




Epic Games, Rekabeti Engelledikleri Gerek?esiyle Samsung ve Google’a Dava A?t?

ünlü oyun ?irketi Epic Games, Google Play Store uygulama ma?azas?n? rekabetten korumak i?in hile yapt?klar?n? ?ne sürerek Google ve Samsung’a dava a?t?. ?irket, Google ve Samsung’un kullan?c?lar?n di?er uygulama ma?azalar?n? kullanmas?n? bilerek zorla?t?rd???n? s?ylüyor.

Samsung’la teknoloji devi Google’?n birlik olup Google Play Store d???ndaki uygulama ma?azalar?n?n indirilmesini engellemek i?in Samsung’un Auto Blocker isimli bir ?zelli?ini kulland?klar?n? iddia eden Epic Games; Samsung’un en yeni ak?ll? telefonlar?nda bu ?zelli?i otomatik olarak etkin hale getirdi?ini s?ylüyor.




Epic Games Will Now Offer Free Games on Mobile

Epic Games has announced that it will bring its popular free game campaign to mobile devices later this year. The program, which offers free games weekly on PC, has played a major role in growing the Epic Games Store. Now, it will extend to the mobile store as well.

Speaking at the Unreal Fest, Epic Games Store CEO Steve Allison laid out the roadmap for the mobile store. Allison stated that, in the fourth quarter of this year, Epic will begin offering third-party mobile games for the first time in its store. He estimated that between 10 and 50 games will be available at the initial stage.

Black Myth: Wukong Reaches Record Sales in One Month

During the Tokyo Game Show, it was revealed that the game Black Myth: Wukong achieved record sales in its first month. Between August 20 and September 20, the game sold 20 million copies. The game quickly became a favorite among gamers, attracting attention with its impressive sales performance.

Elden Ring, released by FromSoftware for both console and PC, reached 20 million copies a year after its launch. Hogwarts Legacy, developed by Warner Bros. Games and the best-selling game of 2023, reached 22 million copies 11 months after its release. Outperforming both of these games, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom reached 20 million copies six months after its May release on the Nintendo Switch.

Discord Activities Now Open to All Developers Looking to Create Games on the Platform

Discord has made its Discord Activities feature, which allows developers to create and publish games, music experiences, and other interactive entertainment on the messaging platform, available to all developers.

The company also rolled out new monetization features, including in-app purchases and subscriptions, to developers in the US, UK, and EU on desktop. Activity developers can now access premium monetization features like Durable SKUs, Consumable SKUs, and analytics tools. Discord plans to expand these features to more regions soon.

Kojima's New Game “OD” Will Be Unlike Any Other

While no details have been released about Hideo Kojima's new game OD, the renowned developer continues to emphasize how different the game will be at every opportunity. During the Tokyo Game Show, where he revealed new details about Death Stranding 2, Kojima also shared a few words about his upcoming project.

"This is a game, but it's unlike any other game," Kojima said, continuing, "I can't go into too much detail, and it's hard to explain, but it's a bit risky and a new challenge for me in the gaming world."

New Release Date Update for Death Stranding 2

A new update has been provided regarding the release date of Death Stranding 2, with renowned game developer Hideo Kojima once again pointing to 2025, as he previously indicated. During the Tokyo Game Show, various videos of Death Stranding 2: On the Beach were shown, and Kojima confirmed that the game is still planned for 2025. However, the exact release date will be announced next year.

While discussing the game at the Tokyo Game Show, Kojima also mentioned "unforeseen circumstances," implying that the release date could be delayed if any issues arise.

Unique Anti-Cheat Measure in Deadlock: Cheaters Turn Into Frogs

In Deadlock, cheaters can now be turned into frogs by other players. Valve's hero shooter Deadlock, which offers a blend of elements from Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike, caused quite a stir after receiving a recent update. Among the various anti-cheat measures included in the update is a quirky one: transforming cheaters into frogs. Players who detect a cheater during a match can either vote them out of the game or turn them into a frog for the remainder of the match.

NVIDIA RTX 5090 Features Revealed: Price May Surprise You

As the anticipation for NVIDIA’s new graphics card series continues to build, rumors have emerged regarding the features and price of the NVIDIA RTX 5090. kopite7kimi, a user on X/Twitter who has previously leaked accurate information, shared some details about the upcoming RTX 5090.

According to the claims, the new NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5090 GPU will require a significant increase in power, possibly 600W. It’s also rumored to feature a 512-bit memory bus and 32GB of GDDR7 memory. Furthermore, the RTX 5090 series, which is expected to be released in 2025, could be priced around $1,700. Only time will tell if these leaks are accurate.


Critical Update for CS2 Brings Back a CS:GO Feature

The latest update for Counter-Strike 2 introduced charms, small accessories you can add to your weapons. However, players should be cautious when using these charms. Once a charm is added to a weapon, removing it is not as simple as it seems. You get three free attempts to remove a charm, but after that, you’ll need to open your wallet to purchase additional removals.

The update also introduced The Armory, which allows players to accumulate credits to unlock cosmetics. To earn credits, you need to buy an Armory Pass, and as you play, you unlock rewards. Charms are the most coveted of these rewards, but it’s worth thinking carefully before using them, as replacing them could lead to unexpected costs.

Epic Games Sues Samsung and Google for Anti-Competitive Practices

Epic Games has filed a lawsuit against Google and Samsung, accusing them of preventing competition by protecting the Google Play Store. The company claims that Google and Samsung have deliberately made it difficult for users to access other app stores.

Epic alleges that Samsung's Auto Blocker feature is being used in partnership with Google to prevent the installation of alternative app stores. According to the lawsuit, Samsung has automatically enabled this feature on its latest smartphones, restricting users from downloading apps outside of Google Play Store.


Semih OKUR

Founder at Noko Games ~ a StartGate Company

5 个月


Zafer Omay


5 个月

Etkileyici!...bilgilendirme i?in te?ekkürler...


