START YOUR ENGINES …FITN / NH is Ready to Roar !!
Dr. Robert S.
New Century Wellness & Talent Performance.....Next Generation in Human Capital Learning Technology
Politics in New Hampshire is for even the mildly disinterested is an “arm-chair” sport. No one that I know if the subject is raised will refuse to engage in a conversation about the subject.
We’re spoiled as the older you get the more candidates- presidents that you have met….many have sat in your living room drinking coffee with you and your neighbors.
While not so active in the last five years due to my business…prior to that I’ve met almost every candidate since the early 1990’s.
Spending an entire day with a candidate crisscrossing the county or even better with their wives who in many instances are even more interesting than their husbands.
Wendy Lee Gramm ..whose husband Senator Phil Gramm ran twice was by far my favorite….the Wellesley College- PhD -Northeaster grad….head of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission --- grandparents picked pineapples in fields of Hawaii ….in two generations from the bottom of American Society to the top
….spent the entire day- just me and her--- lunched --- met so many people….in the eight hours I was with her…did she speak about her oppression .....but about the wonderful opportunity this nation gave to people like her and also to me.
People loved her optimism but alas her husband painfully thick West Texas accent made him a regional candidate unable to connect with Granite Staters.
Yet her story is exactly the political magic that FITN voters love to embrace in all its authenticity
……the outside attire may look simple, theirs is a quiet lot not prone to much talking but in those minds much deliberation is at play
…..their introspection is highly instinctive – an advanced intuition …. they absolutely love three things………..Genuine- Intelligence and Loyalty
Let have some fun and do a 2024 FITN Snapshot
Donald Trump
His brand is both iconic and mythic at the same time…..he inspires such intense reaction ….his strongest base of non-college educated voters along with Boomer voters come to the polls in a higher percentage since he has run for office.
I remember in 2016 …my small town had a surge of new voters all over the age of sixty… local election official told me ……people came out of the pucker brush that no one even knew existed.
When I heard that on the Election Night 2016….I knew our candidate was going to win. This voting block is extremely loyal…..I’ve been elected for the last thirty five years and these are my best constituents
For Trump – even with all of the baggage dumped upon him….. in the primary the loyal faithful are going to vote for him….they know the system is deeply flawed…most rich folks are corrupt/ compromised individuals that are self interested
….herein this candidate whether right or wrong is someone that more than delivered rhetoric ….in office did an outstanding job
To all the Never Trumpers---- Donald is not going away.
Ron DeSantis
The more the public meets him the less they like him. While he has done an outstanding job in Florida …stood up to the Federal government during the Pandemic…..behind the podium in Tallahassee with his well quaffed hair and navy suit – he possesses the upward drafts of political magic.
In person he is a real let-down….the GOP Political Operative Class are some of the stupidest people that I have encountered
….what’s more amusing …they think they’re geniuses …LOL
Ron outfit yesterday was nothing short of insulting….the poorly fitting cheap jeans, Bowling Shirt that someone wore in the 1950’s , thick shoes were nothing less than a caricature of Granite Staters.
Just like Gov. Alexander’s plaid shirt, our state is not a monolith of stereotypes
…..can you imagine paying good money to have such dumb people advising you …OMG !!
Gov. DeSantis needs an extreme makeover with some preppy attire….Vineyard Vines khakis, soft tone polos and sweaters to make him look professional and accessible……his wife looked great yesterday….
Ron …you should have her dress you !
Still worse he has a wooden quality which is a turnoff to voters …..they like to engage informally…they love sincere charm…..that emanates from your eyes.
Our voters want to look you in the eyes …..the mirror of the soul.
Ron needs to fire his staff and go back to the drawing board.
Chris Christie
I’ve met him…supported him in 2016 and like him as he’s possesses a high level of cognitive intelligence…very smart….articulate ….perceptive….remarkable predictive vision…just love this man!
It’s an ethnic thing that comes from having to sharpen your wits since you were five years old to overcome all the harshness that American Society deals out to people like us.
The flip side is raining in the killer instinct that is quite natural to us but to the majority seems unnecessarily tough. ?
Chris serves a most useful function as the Jersey Guy that is going to take-down the school yard bully….please remember we’ve been doing this since we were five years old….we’re very good at this…..too good in fact and that’s the problem here.
Christie needs to soften a little bit to engage a wide audience unaccustomed to such over the top rhetoric
Nikki Haley
She has a great New Century story and does not tell it….must be the South Carolina thing where it’s safer to be Angelo and not to unfurl your colorful ethnic brand.
Her message is also that safe homogenized set of talking points …that someone else wrote….with her BS from Clemson in Accounting
….sorry… she does not talk like an intellect….is not quick like a Christie
As the father said so well in My Big Fat Greek Wedding –“she's dry like toast”
A great vice presidential candidate not ready for prime time
….a Scott/ Haley Ticket would win in a landslide.
Tim Scott
He is going to do very well in New Hampshire for he embodies the three elements of Authentic- Articulate – Sincere with an Affirming Wendy Lee Gramm type of story .
The DNC switched their Prez Primary because New Hampshire is too White and of course that means to Racist. While I can say from personal experience that forty years ago this had some aspects of truth.
Today’s New Hampshire this is a completely inaccurate statement ….more than likely manufactured by Biden 2024 …whom Granite Staters see as being Fake, Not Smart, Never loyal and an individual of the lowest character.
Our simple looking voters can smell this a mile away
As for Scott he is going to be embraced wherever he goes …as his faith inspired sincerity ….pure patriotism is apple pie to our voters.
Tim Scott will be president one day.
Vivek Ramaswamy
There is a segment of the voters that are going to like him for he like some of us have what I would call a “positive ethnic stereotype.”
While the DNC acts like they know New Hampshire …they know nothing!
We have certain groups that have earned the respect of the public for their high achievement, professional excellence, fine families and unselfish investment in their communities.
More than snubbed… Granite Staters go out of their way to be inclusive and not make people like Vivek feel like the “other”
Ramaswamy is our GOP version of RFK jr……in an understandable but higher form of detailed information provides an analysis of our current state of affairs but excels in his predictive ability.
Once again this is a honed skill that comes from being a minority in a majority culture …being first to see around the corner than anyone else.
Vivek brings much intellectual grist for the debates and pushes other candidates to up their game…Well Done !!
Mr. Ramaswamy is a pioneer …..tilling the ground and planting the seeds for our first Indian American President in the early 2030’s
A dynamic mix that will make Fall extremely exciting …attending events…seeing old friends and polishing the candidates’ skills and expanding their experiential mindsets.
What DNC and Scranton Joe hate about us is our honesty and dedicated love of Freedom
…but more importantly Yankee discernment not balled over by materialism or power but inspired by simple things like Effort- Contribution and Insightfulness.
…these gifts require a closely held belief in each other.
….something the DNC and Scranton Joe have eagerly sought to extinguish
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