It Will Start With You And I....
Michael Leidelmeyer
Vice President - South Orange County at CR&R Incorporated leading waste management operations
We can all fix it! We call make a difference, One encounter at a time...
You might ask yourself or even be tempted to respond with "How is this LinkedIn Appropriate?" I'll say that in every situation, culture is the guiding principle as to how one reacts or plays it forward.
What type of "Culture" do you have in your business or community? What have you done to ensure that the culture within your sphere of influence is one of inclusion, fairness, engagement....Step up and make a difference...
"I pulled a car over last night for texting and driving. When I went to talk to the driver, I found a young black male, who was looking at me like he was absolutely terrified with his hands up. He said, 'What do you want me to do officer?' His voice was quivering. He was genuinely scared.
I just looked at him for a moment, because what I was seeing made me sad. I said, 'I just don't want you to get hurt.' In which he replied, with his voice still shaking, 'Do you want me to get out of the car.'
I said, 'No, I don't want you to text and drive. I don't want you to get in a wreck. I want your mom to always have her baby boy. I want you to grow up and be somebody. I don't even want to write you a ticket. Just please pay attention, and put the phone down. I just don't want you to get hurt.'
I truly don't even care who's fault it is that young man was so scared to have a police officer at his window. Blame the media, blame bad cops, blame protestors, or Colin Kaepernick if you want. It doesn't matter to me who's to blame. I just wish somebody would fix it."
Credit: Tim McMillan