Start Taking Accountability For Your Results
Paul Melella Jr
Author of Best Seller, YOU Have Infinite Power | Co-Founder of Empowered Mastery/ premier coach for Financial Advisors and business professionals
We all have different definitions of success, I don’t believe that there is one true definition of what success should be for every human. What I do know is that if we are not improving or growing in certain areas of life...then we are dying. We are made to grow and expand in some way, shape, or form. I don’t care if it is in our finances, health, intimate relationships, or our spiritual life. I would hope that being?a better version of yourself would be something that most would want in life. Would you agree??
What I also know is that you and I are?the only ones who can create our success, mediocrity, or financial failure. The best thing that you can do if you want to reach your goals is to take ownership of your life.I believe that this one idea is what most people lack. At times, I hear people blame a person, situation, or circumstance for why they can't achieve this or that. They are constantly blaming or making excuses for why they aren’t living their best life. If you want to change the results or fruit in your life, you must change your thoughts or the seeds you plant. The seeds you plant will create different roots, and those roots are what produce results. That means if change doesn’t happen inside, everything on the outside stays the same. But most aren’t willing?to be uncomfortable. They have a difficult time stepping outside their comfort zone. I know that??getting uncomfortable isn’t easy, but it’s often necessary to succeed and grow into a better version of yourself. So start by challenging what thought seeds you have been planting around your wealth, health, and personal relationships. Become uncomfortable and challenge your past or current beliefs and start to think uncommonly to become the best producer, spouse, parent, and human you can be.