Start spending your time taking action that's guaranteed to generate revenue immediately

Start spending your time taking action that's guaranteed to generate revenue immediately

Serious question, stick with me here please, it is worth it!

Is your business driving you to financial suicide?

Are you holding on so tight it’s affecting your family?

Possibly even your health.

I know what it’s like to have the walls literally close in from all sides unexpectedly, you may have heard a story or two.

Being on top of the world bringing in $50,000 a day was just normal.

Having lunch with actors, them treating me like I’m something special because I’ve got so much money coming in and am into films. 

To the next moment, no one knows my name because I was so broke.

I ended up at age 40 bouncing at the same bars I used to own. 

So to say my business growth stopped would be an understatement, it literally evaporated.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy type of end to all my business and the money was completely gone.

The saddest part of the whole thing is I never got to enjoy any of the money.

I was working so much. 

No fun cars, big houses or crazy toys. 

What can I say I’m a simple guy, and I was just hyper-focused.

So here I am working at this nightclub in Berlin Germany.

And just imagine for a moment that each night you had the full spectrum of people from a politician telling you that they would have you deported or…

A mobster telling you if you didn’t let them inside right away they would kill you.

Not to mention the many fights I had to break up not knowing if I’d be stabbed to death.

What I didn’t realize was this was just practice for becoming a powerful negotiator for keeping everyone happy…

Mainly because my life depended on it.

Then overnight everything changed.

The phone rang.

I got a call from an old client who didn’t know how low I had gone that asked me if I could help them with a project.

I didn’t want to seem too eager so I told them, “I had to check my schedule,” which I promptly did and said, YES!

The guy said I’d have to move to Budapest, Hungary and a little voice in my head said, GO!

I arrived in Budapest and as I was walking in to meet my client there she was, my wife but she didn’t even know me yet.

The consulting went so well I was told that my immediate impact method had created an ROI of 1800% and saved the business.

The guy called me the Business Hitman, then everyone who met me was like your the HITMAN can you help my business too?

This led to me training over 3,000 people in the company and turning around hundreds of locations with my immediate impact “Hitman” method. 

I started making more than the CEO’s of the company’s I was helping.

The funny part was these skills I was using were the ones I had to learn to stay alive working at nightclubs.

Now I was using the skills in negotiating 3-4 Million dollar deals between companies making sure everyone was happy.

So if you are now ready to use the immediate impact method for your company to accelerate your growth then fill out the immediate impact intake form here —>> Click here

But the one deal that took me the longest to close was my beautiful wife, she’s a pretty tough negotiator. :-) 

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Your Business Hitman,

Steven Eugene Kuhn

P.S. Chances are there are just 1 or 2 things in your business that’s holding you back from a financial immediate impact in your business and my HITMAN Method will take out what’s standing in your way of having immediate revenue in your pocket. So if you are tired of being financially frustrated then open up your mind to exploring what an immediate impact session will do for you. Fill out the intake form here —>> Click here

Robert Davies


5 年

HI Steve, Really glad to see things are going so strongly for you (on all fronts!). Absolutely deserved! Best wishes, Rob


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