Start Spending Some Money! (Really, It’s Okay)
When it comes to finances, it seems like all we do is talk about saving money. After all, it’s good to be careful, right?
But what if I told you that it’s okay to spend your money on things that make you happy, or on things you really need? I know this can be a panic-inducing thought for many people. But hear me out:
Spending and squandering are not the same!
Today, I’d like to encourage you to loosen the reins a little and practice some financial self-care. It feels like a counterintuitive thing to do during these uncertain times, but I’d say that the extra joy we can get from a bit of pampering is precisely what many of us need right now.
To make it less worrisome, however, I can offer a couple of guidelines to keep things on track and take the stress out of spending.
First, know how much you can spend.
You probably (hopefully!) keep track of your day-to-day expenses and know how much money you have left once all the bills are paid and other financial obligations are taken care of. How much of that can you afford to set aside each month?
Setting up a monthly budget will help you set some limits while letting you feel good about spending money on things you really want.
But what are those things? How important do they need to be to justify the expense? This is where the next guideline comes in:
Second, spend on what has personal value and brings you joy.
Which, of course, is entirely subjective.
Maybe you want a state-of-the-art coffee machine for your office space because good coffee makes you happy, and it would make your workdays much more pleasurable. Or maybe you’re someone who values self-improvement and would derive joy from enrolling in a course or subscribing to a magazine.
The point is that if you choose things linked to what you value in life—whether it’s good food, beautiful art, or learning experiences—spending some carefully budgeted money on these items will also become valuable. You’ll plan carefully and feel at peace knowing that you’ve acquired something that you can afford and that you will not take for granted.
In the end, allowing yourself these extra pleasures will help you grow as a person and even as a business owner. The joy you receive from having things and experiences you love will uplift you, relieve stress, and make all the hard work you put into your business worth it.
If you’re still stressed about spending money, however, consulting with an accountant might help ease some of your worries! Remember that you can always contact me for an appointment if you’d like to know how to budget some joyful spending into your finances. My email is [email protected]
I help fiction authors sell more books by improving their content and positioning.
4 年It's so important to indulge in a little self-care sometimes, Margo. And sometimes, spending money helps you to release limiting beliefs about money, which in turn helps you bring more in.