Start By Serving

Start By Serving

How can I help you?

I recently worked with a client in improving a small occupational based pension scheme.

Knowing that this was perhaps smaller than our average case, she asked me if this would be an issue.

I told the client, no, on the contrary, that it would be my great pleasure to apply the same methodology, attention to detail, and care, that we apply to all our cases.

It’s a shame, but people rightfully are cynical.

They’re aware that many people in services, and sales, see clients as walking pay-checks. Money on the table. In one door and out the other.

Of course, this may be down to pressure at work, having unrealistic targets to hit, or a bad company ethos in general.

Regardless, it is so, so, wrong, and damaging to both the client and practitioner.

We must remember, it’s *never* about what’s on the table, and *always* about what we can give.

All we do should always come from a place of service.

How can I help you?

When you think this way, interesting things start to happen.

You start to love what you do.

You realise it’s a privilege to serve, and to improve people’s lives, even if in a small way.

Financial reward tends to follow those with genuine intent, and their client’s best interests at heart.

So don’t take.




(Would love to hear your thoughts on this, does adopting a service mindset lead to better outcomes?)


