Start An Online Business
Start An Online Business
If you want to know WHY you should Start An Online Business then just take a look at my video i just made today below.
Today I sent this out to my team as i am now getting great results almost every day and wanted to show others that this really works.
This is how my day goes now.
Most mornings now i get up early and bike ride about 10 klm to my next village here on the beach in sunny Spain where i now live. Once there i stop for breakfast in a local beach bar to have my breakfast right on the waters edge, yesterday as i checked my email i saw that i had made 4 new sales that night and today i had 1 new sale and it is still only morning.
After my breakfast i set off for home and to start blogging and making a few training videos for my team. On the way home on my bike i was thinking about how my life has change so much as a few years ago i was working as a carpenter and builder in the UK working in all weathers, mostly wind and rain. Now i am living here in sunny Spain and still get to travel the world doing what i love.
As i was riding my bike home i looked around at people on there way to work and just was so happy that i now have the time to do the things that i love when i want. Riding my bike along the beach road in the sun and not having to worry about going to work is amazing.
Start An Online Business
Look don't get my wrong, it has been hard work and a struggle as for a long time i made nothing and nearly gave up many times. I just kept on with the training and went through all the videos and started to get a few results and some sales.
Work online from ANYWHERE
Now i am working from home, (or the beach) the hours that suit me and making a full time online income for it.
There is now way i would ever go back to a "normal" job.
This last week my brother came out here to stay with me for a week and one night he asked me just what i did. After i tried to tell him he still looked a little confused and said do people really make money online enough to not work?
This is how i responded. I said how many people do you know that work in your company and how many people do you know that work in an office, how many nurses and doctors do you know and how many people do you know that work in shops and bars, before he answered i said, now how many people do you know that make money online?.
None he said. I replied...This is why.... we are all taught that you need to get a job and work hard to make a living to pay the bills but this will never really let you live the life you dream of. ok a few make amazing money and have some nice homes and holidays but 995 of people who work at a JOB are never really happy.
There is a better way and that is to learn how to start an online business and let your income work for you and grow your wealth so as you can do whatever you want whenever you like.
The reason most don't make money online or start an online business is because they think it is to hard and most of the ones who try give up after a few weeks or months and go back to working for a living.
If you learn the new skills you need and follow people who are really making money online then you will start to make money if you never give up and do as they do.
To start off i did put in many long hours for weeks and months but now i work about 3 hours a day and when ever i want and still made great online income and my online business is growing every day as am i because i still learn new things every day and educate myself in new ways all the time.
Thats me doing what i love spear fishing in Mexico
Look anyone can make money online if you have just 2 hours a day to learn and go through the video training and you are willing to invest a little in your own online education, then anyone can learn just how to start an online business.
Take a look at the online business that i am now using and helping others start living as they really want....