Start With One
When I speak with people who are looking to get started with a fitness routine, there are a few standard questions I always get.
“What should I eat?”
“How many days a week should I work out?”
“How much cardio do I need to do if I want to lose weight?”
“Should I try [intermittent fasting/Paleo/low-carb/keto/etc.]”
My answer is always the same:
Start with one.
“One what?”?
The truth is, it almost doesn’t matter.
That’s right … your friendly neighborhood fitness expert just told you that what you do isn’t really that important.
As long as you start doing something.
Preferably … one thing.
Start with:
The secret to getting started is simpler than you think.
Just pick one thing and do it. Because I think we have all had 10 great things we planned to do but got zero of the things on the list accomplished.
But knock out one thing? I think I can do that.
Another thing that will help? Carve out a 5-minute block of time before you go to bed each night to plan your healthy activity for the next day and write it down.
Having it on paper serves as a contract with yourself and will make you more likely to hold up your end of the bargain.
And when you look at that piece of paper the next morning and see only ONE THING to do, it’ll make it a whole lot easier to follow through.
What’s one thing you can commit to doing tomorrow that will move you closer to your goals? Shoot me a reply and let me know.
One thing is so much better than no things,
PS- Whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can help you on your journey.
1. Ready to kickstart your metabolism and feel your best?
Join our 14-Day Metabolic Reset program today and discover the simple, effective way to boost your energy and health! You can sign up at no cost here
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2. Your Shortcut To Strength and Energy
Are you a busy woman over 40 who wants to lose weight, tone up, and have more energy, but just can't seem to find the time or motivation to go to the gym?
Then my at-home workouts would be perfect for you. And they are on sale right now too! --->?Home
3. Tired Of Spinning Your Wheels?
Do you feel like stuck in the same frustrating loop? You're not alone. But here's the secret weapon that science backs: You're 95% more likely to crush it with a supportive hand by your side.
My Accountability Coaching program is your rocket boost to success – let's reach your full potential together! If you would like to learn how this program could work for you, please reply and type Coach.