The start of a new adventure.
TSUNAMI OF HATE. A thriller that tears the Social Media World apart. A book that praises the good side of social media, but does not hide away from the destruction it can also bring.
I am about to continue on my journey of writing. It will be my first venture into the genre of fiction. Although the core structure revolves around situations I have encountered in my forty years of running companies supplying Conveyancing Data to the legal profession.
Social Media has become a huge player in the running of our lives. We have become so dependant on it that people suffer all sorts of depression and stress when deprived of it. Tsunami of Hate takes this to the ultimate repercussion, death.
The book is completed, now the interesting and challenging part. Are there any Literary Agents or publishers, ideally both who would like to help me on the next step of my journey.
I am also well on the way to completing the next book following Tsunami of Hate. Its called a Killer in Manila. Its about a small group of mid forty guys who go on a sporting weeks tour, taking in F1 in Kuala Lumpur, Manila Tens, and the Hong Kong sevens.
I hope there is an interested party out there that will join me on this journalistic trip.