Michael Sinnhuber
?? Autor | ?? Rhetorik-, Rede- & Pr?sentations-Coach, Prezi Experte | Gesch?ftsführer @ MCPREZI & M+ | Tourismus-Sprachrohr
This is what's written on my business card, since I started my presentation design & training agency in 2012.
I used it as a conversation opener at events and as elevator pitch, when people asked me, what I do for a living.
It worked brilliantly! And it still does!
Over the years, this sentence changed from a slogan to becoming my mission and vision.
Until about 2 months ago, I was mainly working with corporate clients, which was great. I worked for awesome companies and had the ability to create presentations that closed 6-, 7-, 8- and 9-figure deals.
But I always felt, that I wanted to help more people in creating and delivering great presentation.
Because I hate to see good people with even better ideas and stories fail, because of the bad (boring) way they present it to their audiences.
I want to help everybody out there, who wants to become a better presenter. Everybody who needs help in Public Speaking, Presentation and Communication.
So, I made a decision...
I am starting a movement. Yes, a movement!
Something that is much bigger than me, bigger than everything I can think of right now.
The thought of something that big, scares the shit ouf of me. But I held myself back for far too long. With limiting beliefs, the anxiety of not being good enough and too much thought about what others might think of it/me.
I held myself back, although i have proved, that I am good enough each and every day. Working for big companies and corporations and getting them incredible results. Getting awesome feedback from people I worked with. Building a company from scratch and growing it to 6-figures within a matter of months, all by myself. I am f**ing freaking awesome!
I don't have to proof myself to anybody, anymore!
So, this is over NOW!
No more overthinking things.
No more limiting beliefs.
No more asking for permission!
I spark the flame now. And it will grow!
I WILL set the stage on fire...I will set the world on fire and I will help others to do just that!
I hereby declare, that I am stepping out of my own comfort zone as of today!
I want to help people. I want to make an impact in the world, to leave a legacy.
I want to change other peoples lifes and I want to inspire other experts to join me in doing so.
I want to change the world around me, their world, the world!
That's why I am starting this movement!
A movement of people that share my vision, my mission.
A movement of people, that want to become better presenters, speakers and communicators, so that more great ideas can thrive and help to change the world for good!
A movement that is supported by presentation, public speaking and communication experts, that want to help those people alongside myself.
A movement for ambitious doers, presenters, speakers and storytellers of all levels and those who want to become a badass in sharing their message.
If you can speak, you are a speaker!
You, me, everybody - we are all speakers, communicators, presenters. And we present several times a day, mostly without noticing. We only call business presentations "a presentation", but is not true.
Anytime you tell a story, you are a presenter.
Anytime you want to convince your friends and family of anything, you are are presenting.
And... EVERYTHING that is really important, is presented - in one way or another!
We are living in a world of presentations.
We are living in a PRESENTER WORLD!
And that's why the movement is called PRESENTER.WORLD.
Until a few months ago, it was only an idea... now I have a plan. And based on this plan, I will start to build the PRESENTER WORLD, starting today, step by step.
"Life is a journey, not a destination"!
The same is true for the PRESENTER WORLD.
This is the first post, documenting the journey of building a movement. A movement that will change many peoples lifes, their world, THE WORLD.
Follow my journey here, join the Presenter.World and let's make this world a better world - together!