Jon Heaney
Stunt Coordinator - Production Safety Supervisor - Safety Consultant - Action Consultant - Stunt Performer.
We live and breathe in a world where we don’t talk about certain things… Especially blokes, and especially certain big-ticket items, the scary topics,
Why because we believe it could never happen to us..
I’m talking about the bulletproof.
I know that now because, I was bulletproof.. I was one of those guys who believed things only happened to other people and never to me.
And why should it, we’re a relatively fit, healthy, active, outdoorsy kinda guys, guys who go to the gym, consider what we eat and we read Men’s Health magazine…
Statistically speaking, it can, and more than likely will, happen to you… If you don't do something about it.
I went from, being a successful Stunt Coordinator, Safety Consultant and Show Producer, travelling the world, working on films and television, living the dream…
To a guy who’s head was spinning, filled with anxiety, fear like I’ve never known, all of those emotions were just the by-product of being told that they have found something… and that something happened to be a tumour in the bowel…
That’s when the real fun began, the tests, the scans, the waiting, the results, inconclusive results, the re-testing, the next series of scans and results, the chemo, the radiation, the waiting, then the operation, the tests, the waiting, the results, the re-education, the stoma…and did I mention the waiting.
So, I went from being fit and healthy, working my arse off in a job I love, happy as Larry… To unwell, not working and not knowing when or if I can ever go back to work in the same capacity ever again,
This is without adding in all the ugly stuff you have to deal with that... The stuff I don't need or want to mention…
Now, this is what happens when you have the best possible outcome after finding out you have a tumour in your bowel.
Seriously, the best possible outcome – Because all of what I just said is mandatory stuff once they find it… Well is was for me, of course things change in relation to whatever and where ever they find it... but no matter what you can guarantee it’s gonna be a hell of a ride and its gonna suck.
Or, you could do a simple test and avoid the whole shebang…
Now, I’m not saying the test is going to stop it, but it definitely could flag it early and they could get to work on you before things get too serious….
That’s if they find anything at all…
In 2016 over 3 million people were invited to take part in the screening, men and women! Oh yeah, this is not an exclusive boys club either…
Regardless of age only 41% overall took the test, 39% were men and the girls were a bit higher but not high enough to break out the champagne…
Currently early detection results in a 90% success/survival rate… and from talking to the troops on the ground, IE: the nurses, oncologists and pathologists, that rating is actually a bit higher closer to 95%. The unlucky ones are the elderly, the frail, the sick and the dickheads who didn’t do the test.
41% is virtually Russian roulette – and I’m a living example
Stop kidding yourself…This shit can happen to you
My family and I have just lived through the shittiest year of our lives…
If I have any regrets is that I put them through this... They didn’t need this, they weren’t given a choice… I was…
That choice was the test!
Data suggests that 1 in 2 people will join the cancer club at some stage in their lives and almost everyone if not everyone will know someone who has joined or will join the club…
This is not an exclusive club by any stretch of the imagination..
In fact, about one in 21 men and one in 31 women will develop bowel cancer before the age of 75 if undetected.
Bowel cancer is currently ranked as the 3rd most common cancer in Australia. It just wants to be the popular kid, it wants to be the leader of the pack. We can stop it from reaching its goal.
You see, it doesn’t care if you’re white, black, green, catholic, atheist, or vegetarian. It doesn’t care what you eat, drink or smoke …
It doesn’t ask who your father, your grandmother or sexual preference is, it doesn’t care how fit or how fat you are.
I’m sure you’re getting the point… Do the bloody test.
Do the math.
Don’t get me wrong, I'm not saying that living a healthy lifestyle is a waste of time, there are so many benefits of healthy living and eating, and it goes a long way to aid in prevention and longevity. What I am staying is that there are no strong statistics so far to say that any particular lifestyle modality or demographic leads to the prevention or initiation of this cancer…
Currently, the best thing you can do for yourself and your family is the test…
We in Australia are the fore-runner in the world at curing and detecting bowel cancer, that’s if it is detected and especially detected early.
In contrast to that, we have some of the worst statistics of people doing the early detection tests.
Cure, therapy and remedies can only take place if and when doctors know that something is there… If they don’t know, they don’t do.
Trust me at the end of the day, whatever or however bad the test may seem to you in your mind, it’s got nothing on the reality of the crap you have to deal with, literally, even if things go well...
I don’t even want to discuss the journey if things don’t go well, it’s just too sad and scary.
I was lucky… It was in a good location, I was reasonably young, healthy and we got it early…
In the coming months I had to stop working, I lost over 15 kgs, got sick, tired, lived in constant fear, rarely slept, shat blood more often than not, withdrew from my family and friends and I was the lucky one, I got it early, I had it good…
This thing will strike you emotionally, psychologically, physically and financially but it all can be prevented by taking no more than 10 minutes or so out of your daily routine, if you don’t, trust me and if it does take hold, your daily routine will be the least of your worries.
It's quite simple all you have to do is follow the instructions, drop the toilet liner that's provided into the toilet and poo on it... Take the dipstick out of the vial, dip it in your poo, then put the dipstick back into the vial, store it in the fridge and repeat next time you need to poo - The second vial is also provided…Fill in your details and return the pre paid satchel in the mail within 24 hours - All the instructions are included in the pack provided…
The key word is provided - Everything you need is provided free of charge, all you have to do is poo.. They’ve done everything else for you.
And if you are too good to mail it yourself then we should be discussing the Darwin Awards, not the bowel cancer test.
This is not just about you. It's about your family, your wife, your kids, your grandkids, your relatives, your friends, neighbours and workmates. It’s not just about you…
I will never ever stop seeing my daughter's reaction when we told her…Now my boys are stoic, they took it on board, but I could see the conflict inside them as well , but my daughter was crushed…
My wife, she was amazing, she's tough, while obviously upset and scared for me. She went to work at fixing it, at getting on top of it, she immediately focussed on what do we do now to beat this… She also knew she had to be strong for all of us, show the kids it was business as usual…otherwise things would fall apart. in a crazy way I always have been grateful it was me that got it because I had her, if it was the other way around, I don't know but I'm pretty sure I would have been a mess. Ren's attitude was, if we went on as normal all will be good… and it was.
I will never forget that day, the day I had to tell them, and it’s something I wish no one would ever have to go through. It can be prevented for a great many of us.
These are just some of the facts of what your future may look like if you don’t do this test – A little fricken test –
So, if you still think you're bulletproof, you’re not!
Cancer doesn’t care! But your family does..
Do it for them and if not, do it for yourself… If not emotionally, do it financially, don’t kid yourself, this is an expensive journey as well, there’s a crap tonne of out of pockets, not to mention the fact that you may not be able to work for some time…
I am proud to say that today I am able to go back to work without too many restrictions, I am healthy and will come out of this healthier that I was when I started and not to mention totally cancer free… Yes, it’s a fantastic outcome…
But you can start from the end of my story.. You don't need to deal with all the crap.. Just a little bit of it.. literally.
Let’s get the movement started – Pardon the pun – I’d disappoint my kids if there wasn’t a pun or two in there a somewhere…
You don’t have to live through all of this you have a choice.
If you’ve already done the test, well done, let others know how simple it is, we need to get more people doing this test, you never know, the life you're saving could be someone you love, you brother, your wife, your mate…
Niké said it best…
Just do it… Do the test and spread the word.
Start the movement...
Thank you, Jon Heaney