A Start Line that Matters
Steph Corker
Chief Growth Officer at ViRTUS | Committed to creating conditions for leaders to love their lives.
Being a self-proclaimed endurance junkie, who had found great joy in chasing Ironman finish lines over the last several years, I feel confident in discussing the power of a Start Line. (The finish lines are simply a bonus on race day — the start line is what motivates us every other day of the year.)
Inspired by a chat with Charlie Judy from WORKxo, he so aptly stated, “You know, you'd never show up to a start line of a race under-trained or ill-prepared*. Yet why do we let people cross the start lines for chapters in their careers without the same training?" Ummm. To which I quickly replied, “Right! And then 3months in wonder if they are going to make it. Question if they are the right person for the role after all?" It is synonymous to asking someone to do an Ironman, yet only after completing the swim do you tell them that they need to get on their bike and ride 180km. That’s a long bike ride if you didn’t know what you were signing up for. Similarly, it is a long road - sometimes quite emotional and usually quite energetically-loaded to lead teams without ever knowing how to do so.
The fact of the matter is that there are lots of remarkable business leaders who drive great results - they are rewarded and promoted for their efforts. Perhaps even with titles that have the coveted VP or Chief of Something Awesome; yet what is missing is the training around how to manage yourself and your team/ projects/ work to be high performing, resilient and remarkable assets to your organization.
Like a solid Ironman build that spans 12weeks, The Manager Start Line (MSL) is also a 12week training program. The difference between an Ironman build and a MSL build -- there will be no recovery weeks and on the other side of the start line, there may in fact not be a finish line for a long while; yet both programs are indeed designed to change your life.
And like training for Ironman -- it only works when your life works. One of my favorite People leaders once said it best: work works when your life works. She was spot on.
So why not start training for your best (work) life? Flex your courageous conversation muscle. Learn how to restore yourself and take care of your mental well-being so you can have the stamina to stay in the tough conversations in the board room. The marathon really begins at mile20 on race day — so where ever you are in your career, be it mile1 or mile22, there is still time to make a difference before the proverbial finish line known as “the end of your career.”
It has been months of ruthless focus, insane team work, copious emails across global time zones to present this training program to you. Curated by the one and only, Matt Corker and developed by local e-learning engine, Learnkit. This start line will go down as a dent in our universe, because it has made a difference. And most of all, if you lead people/ teams/ countries (Trump, I’m calling you!) — I hope you will toe the line with us to make a dent in your universe too!
Here’s to being The Best Boss in 2017. It’s time.
Big Love from #TeamCorker
*note: under-trained and ill-prepared are totally avoidable! it is much more fun to be ready to race. please check out B78 Coaching to toe sweaty start lines with proper preparation.