On Monday of this week I announced that the Enlightened Enterprise Academy is now offering PIONEER membership and YOUNG PIONEER membership to those under 35. The first memberships are now being processed, starting with those people that have long been associated with our development.

Elliot S Schreiber

Elliot S. Schreiber, Ph.D. is among the first members, and this week explained why he is a committed supporter of what we are doing in this post .

Andy Wilkins

Others among the initial members is Andy Wilkins

Lyn McDonnell

We also welcome Lyn McDonell, C.Dir FCMC

Rob Karpati

Rob Karpati also joins us

Edward Regula

And in this first group to join we also have Edward Regula

The initial group consists of of current and past senior executives who have worked in a wide variety of role and organisation types in many different industries and a very large number of countries.

Elliot, Andy, Lyn, Rob and Ed are representative of the large number of people who have been involved in our larger development group, and of the wider network we are engaged with.

As we now progress with a wide range of new initiatives and further plans for 2025 we have ambitions to grow the membership and establish a faculty of "pracademics" (academics who are interested in having a big impact in the real world), and practitioners.

We are also especially keen to widen our membership to cover all ages and people in all parts of the world. To achieve this we are offering YOUNG PIONEER membership at a reduced price to anyone under 35, and we offer ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS to people in middle and lower income countries and those in full-time education.

Check out the membership details by downloading the MEMBERSHIP BROCHURE

Gerard Corbett, APR, Fellow PRSA

Founder @ Redphlag | APR, College of Fellows

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Hubert Magis

Critical Thinker

3 周

Interesting - do you have a refund policy??

Rob Karpati

The Blended Capital Group - ESG, Governance, Strategy and Finance Integration Leadership Focused on Impact Delivery

4 周

Absolutely fantastic. I am thrilled to be a Pioneer member of an important organization! The Enlightened Enterprise Academy will be important for challenging our assumptions and pointing us toward more sustainable approaches for businesses as well as public policy. Pioneer and Young Pioneer members will be well positioned to play meaningful roles as important conversations evolve.


