Start focusing upon yourself rather than on others!
Devansh Hirani
Founder, Director, and Operations Manager at Hirani Analytics Pvt. Ltd | Transforming Industries with Data-Driven Insights | Converting Data into Real-Time solutions with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Well! Being in the 21st Century and seeing people comparing themselves with others in order to just satisfy their ego can’t be easily digested. Human mind being a mystery needs to understand that everyone’s special & not an exact replica of anyone else.
The point that I’m trying to highlight is people need to make some sorts of conscious efforts of freeing themselves from comparisons & if not, they’ll end up landing in a never-ending spiral and let me tell you getting out of it becomes a tough task, a really tough task.
One has rightly said “Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person you were yesterday”, but since life’s a race the mindsets of people have already started deteriorating to an extent where celebrating accomplishments of others too has become a rare sight.
People have already forgotten themselves by following others’ lives, but you know what this is the stage where ego actually comes into picture. Feeling jealous, having negative vibes all around, blaming others rather than recognizing the emotion that is making them feel hurt, etc are some typical signs of a person who is constantly focusing upon others and not on himself. Now, what it does is it snatches the person’s abilities which he never understood, so it’s really important to first of all understand yourself, your passion, your abilities, your inabilities and how you’ll overcome them.
A common mistake nowadays people are mostly indulged into is to get others to like them rather than liking themselves as they are. But at the same time people need to keep in mind a fact that “people like people who like themselves”. Self-love indeed makes life more fun and relaxing.
Let your focus within you be focused because it's your intent which would take up the responsibility for yourself instead of making others responsible for your happiness and remember the way you care for others would only come from a full and loving place within you which you’ll need to discover as soon as possible.
And at the end of the day, you shall start experiencing the love available from the spirit and the incredible & awesome joy of sharing love with others because you can’t experience the same until and unless you take up the initiative of experiencing happiness which is within you.
Start focusing on yourselves and soon you will realize there won’t be any need to change yourself for the sake of others.
Be who you are!
Happy Reading!