Start Focusing On The Outcomes
Just this week, I happened to attend an event which was headed by a well known leadership speaker and there were a panel of other eminent speakers. I truly respect each of them for their experience and learnings in their respective careers.
However, what I noticed was the word "should" being used over and over again. e.g. We as leaders should do.....(so and so). What we shouldn't do..etc.
And this got me thinking - Why is it that we consistently keep saying this? Why are we not focusing on what is the reason we are not doing it? What stops us to be the kind of leader we really want to be? What is coming on our way? Doesn't "that" really need a solution?
Because, in today's digital world where every bit of information on any topic is just a few clicks away, do you really think we don't know what we need to do as a leader? Of course we all do!
But then why is that our team is not delivering what it can?
Why are we struggling with helping our team utilize its "true" potential, even though we know how?
Why is it that we are ourselves not able to utilize our own potential, even though we know what is missing?
Why our team / organization culture sucks?
It is simple -
No matter how much you get educated in a subject, unless we implement our learning, nothing changes - right?
So, then what is stopping you to implement the learning?
Do you need a helping hand or a gentle nudge on your given situation? Are you almost sure, but still not sure about how to take the first step towards accelerating your leadership?
For this very reason, we would like to make a very special offer for you.
Join us for a short - no obligation 45-min Breakthrough Strategy Session where we will work with you on your challenge, remove any roadblocks and outline a roadmap that you can start following right away. This is the time to invest in yourself - with your time!:)
To block your session/know more about it, please reach out to me personally on my email - [email protected] with the subject - "Breakthrough Strategy" and we will reach out to you.
Best wishes,
P.S. We are only having a couple of these sessions next week, so please connect with me at the earliest to avail your spot.